Pekin Duck Club!

So Lily's healthy scabs came off yesterday, her foot is almost completely healed and no surgery!!! I'm so happy. I'm gonna take more pics soon, I've been busy and slacking!

And @JadeComputerGal
Where have you been? I miss you! I used to talk to you daily.....
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Yesterday morning I brought my Luna duck to an emergency vet appointment because she was having egg binding problems when she usually wasn't affected by that so much. She was very uncomfortable and I did so much to relieve her pain but she was unable to eat only drink an then stopped being able to bend down to drink her tummy was so stuffed. I was so upset to see her suffering more and more in just three short days when I thought things were starting to turn around. But I brought her to the vet and got the horrible news that she was worse than she was showing and that there was no egg even stuck in her just fluid build up and she needed an abdominocentesis tap to draw out the fluid and relieve her pressure so she could feel better. And that's when things took a turn for the worse...they preformed that and she became so distressed she went in to cardiac arrest and was unable to be saved after CPR. It broke my heart and I feel so shameful her last moments here were her laid on a table with needles in he and I am so sorry to her. I expected the vet to save her not push her closer to death. It was the most disappointing thing to ever happen in my life and I cant help but feel at fault for it. I know they were only doing what was necessary to save her and I understood the fluid needed to be removed to decrease the pressure on her body but my poor little duckers couldn't handle it. :( I had Luna since she was a few weeks old and she definitely was able to live her life to the fullest in the short 18 months I had her. She became my b

est friend from the start, looked to me for everything, comforted me, and was always with me keeping me company. Now its very lonely without my Luna duck, she was for sure the best pet I ever had and ever will. A duck is way different than an conventional pet obviously, but sometimes I saw her acting just like a dog or cat would and it was the funniest thing. She was so wonderful even when she was prioritized over my own personal life it was all worth it. I wish I could've helped her as much as she has helped me through life since I had her, I hope she knows how important she was to me and I told her everyday when I'd leave that I loved her and would see her later, and I believe she understood that, she was very smart and caught on to things I do or gestures and even knew the fridge is what her fruit treats were stored in so every time someone would open it shed run over and wait for a treat. She was the greatest and for sure irreplaceable, but one day I do hope to get more ducks and hopefully one may even resemble my duckers.
Never to be forgotten & In Loving Memory of
My Luna Duck

<<<< Lunas first egg last year!
<<<< before she had all her freckles!
<<<< when she was a little duckling
<<<< and one of the last photos I got to take of her <3

Rest In Peace Luna Duck
Yesterday morning I brought my Luna duck to an emergency vet appointment because she was having egg binding problems when she usually wasn't affected by that so much. She was very uncomfortable and I did so much to relieve her pain but she was unable to eat only drink an then stopped being able to bend down to drink her tummy was so stuffed. I was so upset to see her suffering more and more in just three short days when I thought things were starting to turn around. But I brought her to the vet and got the horrible news that she was worse than she was showing and that there was no egg even stuck in her just fluid build up and she needed an abdominocentesis tap to draw out the fluid and relieve her pressure so she could feel better. And that's when things took a turn for the worse...they preformed that and she became so distressed she went in to cardiac arrest and was unable to be saved after CPR. It broke my heart and I feel so shameful her last moments here were her laid on a table with needles in he and I am so sorry to her. I expected the vet to save her not push her closer to death. It was the most disappointing thing to ever happen in my life and I cant help but feel at fault for it. I know they were only doing what was necessary to save her and I understood the fluid needed to be removed to decrease the pressure on her body but my poor little duckers couldn't handle it. :( I had Luna since she was a few weeks old and she definitely was able to live her life to the fullest in the short 18 months I had her. She became my b est friend from the start, looked to me for everything, comforted me, and was always with me keeping me company. Now its very lonely without my Luna duck, she was for sure the best pet I ever had and ever will. A duck is way different than an conventional pet obviously, but sometimes I saw her acting just like a dog or cat would and it was the funniest thing. She was so wonderful even when she was prioritized over my own personal life it was all worth it. I wish I could've helped her as much as she has helped me through life since I had her, I hope she knows how important she was to me and I told her everyday when I'd leave that I loved her and would see her later, and I believe she understood that, she was very smart and caught on to things I do or gestures and even knew the fridge is what her fruit treats were stored in so every time someone would open it shed run over and wait for a treat. She was the greatest and for sure irreplaceable, but one day I do hope to get more ducks and hopefully one may even resemble my duckers. Never to be forgotten & In Loving Memory of My Luna Duck [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] URL] and one of the last photos I got to take of her QUOTE] Awe, Blessings for you and sweet Luna Duck. She sure was a precious cutie. You're to be admired for loving and taking great care of her.
@trondin Thank you for sharing your story and for sharing the special relationship you an Luna Duck had. Love all the pics and the special care you gave her. This was not your fault you did what was best for her in trying to help her.
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She s beautiful. I lost my duck a few months ago. Its heart breaking. She's buried in my garden and now that we are gonna move I told my dh he has to dig her up, she's coming with us. I was serious when I said it now we both think I'm losing my mind. But hey, I'm pregnant and emotional. Point being, you have to remember you were trying to save her,you did all you could and Luna knows that

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