Pekin Duck Club!

I'm pretty sure we have a Drake and a Hen

Never ate a duck eggs :/ trying to hatch all mine out to sell .. Do they taste different then chicken eggs :0 ?? If I can't sell the duckies I might have to look into using them :/
I'm sad a guy pre ordered 3 ducklings from me and is coming to get the ones in the pic above tonight :( they are so cute lol but I have to sell them I took them out side to see mama and daddy they just looked at the babies :) but they will be going to a good home the guy has a nice big pond for them.
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I am new to raising ducks and this forum. I have a male and female Pekin duck and they're about 6 months old. They've been through a owner who only wanted them for a few weeks because they were cute, Mama Duck had her beak almost split in two when a turtle attacked her, living in a pond straight alone from being fed everyday, etc. I somehow ended up with them and I couldn't be happier! They are a great stress reliever, aren't they? I've read a bit about them, but I would really like some input on the food I give them. I started out just on cracked corn. They ate it but not much of it. Then I started giving them my dog's good, Blue Buffalo brand, which they enjoy. Next I added some greens I found growing around the pond they used to be in. They really love this. My final mix is spinach, kale, bok choy, some dog food, diced carrots, and frozen peas. Occasionally I'll throw in some corn. Thy have gained weight and seem very healthy. Mama Duck even started laying eggs yesterday and she's given me two eggs so far! Could some experienced Pekin parents please let me know if the food I'm giving them is nutritional enough for them? They are in a fenced in area with a 6' kids plastic pool that's about a foot deep. I change the pool water twice a day. They have a 2'x6' box to nest in but they stay in the water most of the time. Any input and advice is much appreciated! Thanks, y'all!
I am new to raising ducks and this forum. I have a male and female Pekin duck and they're about 6 months old. They've been through a owner who only wanted them for a few weeks because they were cute, Mama Duck had her beak almost split in two when a turtle attacked her, living in a pond straight alone from being fed everyday, etc. I somehow ended up with them and I couldn't be happier! They are a great stress reliever, aren't they? I've read a bit about them, but I would really like some input on the food I give them. I started out just on cracked corn. They ate it but not much of it. Then I started giving them my dog's good, Blue Buffalo brand, which they enjoy. Next I added some greens I found growing around the pond they used to be in. They really love this. My final mix is spinach, kale, bok choy, some dog food, diced carrots, and frozen peas. Occasionally I'll throw in some corn. Thy have gained weight and seem very healthy. Mama Duck even started laying eggs yesterday and she's given me two eggs so far! Could some experienced Pekin parents please let me know if the food I'm giving them is nutritional enough for them? They are in a fenced in area with a 6' kids plastic pool that's about a foot deep. I change the pool water twice a day. They have a 2'x6' box to nest in but they stay in the water most of the time. Any input and advice is much appreciated! Thanks, y'all!

Congratulations and thank you! Welcome to the Duck Forum

Without going in depth with what you are feeding, you may well have hit upon a very good diet for them. Many of us rely on boughten feed as a basis for our ducks. Either a waterfowl food or a poultry food. Then we build on that with fresh greens, sprouts, kibble, a little bit of fruit, small live fish, mealworms, etc. I just cannot say for sure what you are feeding is complete. Then again, some folks free range their ducks and so really, who's to say what they are getting is perfectly balanced, even with a base of balanced feed from the store?

There are poultry vitamins with electrolytes and probiotics that I like to have on hand and use especially for broodies, for molting ducks, and during times of stress.

Are they secure especially at night? There are many climbing, digging, flying predators who will - forgive me - rip the ducks apart if they can reach them, even reaching through chain link fence. So just review your security and please do not assume you don't have certain kinds of predators in your area. I declare, I think they get a memo when ducks move in.

Sounds like you are a wonderful duck person, I hope the forum is helpful to you and that you continue to keep us posted.
Congratulations and thank you!  Welcome to the Duck Forum 

Without going in depth with what you are feeding, you may well have hit upon a very good diet for them.  Many of us rely on boughten feed as a basis for our ducks.  Either a waterfowl food or a poultry food.  Then we build on that with fresh greens, sprouts, kibble, a little bit of fruit, small live fish, mealworms, etc.  I just cannot say for sure what you are feeding is complete.  Then again, some folks free range their ducks and so really, who's to say what they are getting is perfectly balanced, even with a base of balanced feed from the store?

There are poultry vitamins with electrolytes and probiotics that I like to have on hand and use especially for broodies, for molting ducks, and during times of stress.

Are they secure especially at night?  There are many climbing, digging, flying predators who will - forgive me - rip the ducks apart if they can reach them, even reaching through chain link fence.    So just review your security and please do not assume you don't have certain kinds of predators in your area.  I declare, I think they get a memo when ducks move in.

Sounds like you are a wonderful duck person, I hope the forum is helpful to you and that you continue to keep us posted.

Thank you so much for your feedback! It's good to know I'm on the right track. I bought a poultry feed for game birds from Tractor Supply (couldn't find anything specially made for ducks) and they weren't fond of it. I do occasionally put a little of it out, but they definitely go for the frozen peas first! As for their pen, I am comfortable with its security, although predators do worry me. So far so good! Thanks again for your reply! :)

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