Pekin Duck Club!

I might... it just seems like i have seen them mating WAY too many times.
Aha! Bducky, I understand and your logic makes sense. Well, if they are both the same age and eggs are being produced, the suspected "male" should have obvious male characteristics since he is going through, or has been though, puberty. Is his quack compleeeeeeeeeeetely different than Derpette's? Does he "RAAAAAAAAAAAAP!!!" instead of giving that quick sequence of zazzy little high-pitched "quack-quack-quack-quack-quack" 's ? Here, check out this audio file for quack-sexing your ducks. *~Very helpful!~* Features the male versus the female. Also, I am sure you have heard by now about that ever-looked-for telltale "drake feather" that the male will develop shortly after going through puberty. Your duck may or may not have it. Having it or not having it does not always confirm your ducky's gender as the feather may not pop up in a timely manner, or at all, or sometimes it just gets ripped out. But if your ducky DOES have it, then we KNOW he is a boy! But I think that "quack sexing" ought to confirm this case for you and for us, and rest the mystery of this egg case!!! And, if your ducky is, indeed, a female, as we all suspect, I think she may just be asserting her dominance over the other female. Homosexuality does exist in animals, lol, so we have been told, in situations where there is no member of the opposite sex around to engage in natural, heterosexual encounters with the animal, so I guess we could think of this as a bunch of women in prison trying to assert dominance over each other by using mounting and simulated sexual acts to "show who's boss." When you find out there's another egg layer who isn't Derpette, rename "him" Big Bertha and let NetFlix know that you have a real-life duck drama version of "Orange is the New Black" going on in your back yard.
For the record, I don't watch that show but have heard and have read about it lol

Here is a photo of my late Raptor with his curled tail feather
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How is everybodys pekins.I'm on the list as a member.I didn't know that till I saw the new members list.I only have one pekin but I have 7 ducks including my pekin.:)
I am new to raising ducks and this forum. I have a male and female Pekin duck and they're about 6 months old. They've been through a owner who only wanted them for a few weeks because they were cute, Mama Duck had her beak almost split in two when a turtle attacked her, living in a pond straight alone from being fed everyday, etc. I somehow ended up with them and I couldn't be happier! They are a great stress reliever, aren't they? I've read a bit about them, but I would really like some input on the food I give them. I started out just on cracked corn. They ate it but not much of it. Then I started giving them my dog's good, Blue Buffalo brand, which they enjoy. Next I added some greens I found growing around the pond they used to be in. They really love this. My final mix is spinach, kale, bok choy, some dog food, diced carrots, and frozen peas. Occasionally I'll throw in some corn. Thy have gained weight and seem very healthy. Mama Duck even started laying eggs yesterday and she's given me two eggs so far! Could some experienced Pekin parents please let me know if the food I'm giving them is nutritional enough for them? They are in a fenced in area with a 6' kids plastic pool that's about a foot deep. I change the pool water twice a day. They have a 2'x6' box to nest in but they stay in the water most of the time. Any input and advice is much

Sounds all good as far as what you're feeding your duck. But I read spinach is NOT good for ducks!! Lettuce only not spinach. Enjoy the fun! I do!!
Good for you Pool girl for saving those sweet birds. I am also new to duck (and chicken) raising but found this site to be absolutely amazing. Not only for the vast amount of information but also for the support that is given. I am absolutely no expert but we give our two Pekin's duck grower food and they love it. We also provide grit and oyster shell now that our female is laying. Hope this helps. Mine do get their treats like peas and kale but only a few times a week as a special treat. I think they are better than any antidepressant available. LOL. I could spend hours sitting and talking to them. Enjoy, sounds like will have a great home now.

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