Pekin Hens not laying


Apr 11, 2019
Just looking for some input since my ducks have stopped laying. I had 4 Jumbo Pekins. 3 hens and a drake. All seemed to be in perfect health and are about 1 1/2 years old. About 5 days ago I went out to the duck house and found my drake dead. He looked like he had went to sleep and just died. Could not find a thing wrong with him. I honestly thought he was just sleeping in when I found him. I have been watching my hens and other then confusion without the drake and being more quiet I think they are fine. However I have not gotten a single egg since then. Is this from the disruption from the drake dying or due to moving into the winter months? Sorry about the long post and any thoughts are appreciated.
Sorry for your loss, I am no expert and would have to guess they are not laying from a combination of reasons.

I would be more concerned with trying to find out why your Drake up and died if he was in perfect health? Possible to have a deadly virus going on that could kill the rest? :confused:
Sorry for your loss, I am no expert and would have to guess they are not laying from a combination of reasons.

I would be more concerned with trying to find out why your Drake up and died if he was in perfect health? Possible to have a deadly virus going on that could kill the rest? :confused:
I’m not sure. Checked him over really well and couldn’t find anything unusual. Nares were clean. Feet were in good shape. Talked to our vet and he said that Jumbo Pekins are prone to heart problems with their size and weight but I noticed nothing unusual the day before. Eating, swimming, wooing the girls. He was very sweet and would be under foot so I had the opportunity to watch him closely so I have no idea! Thanks for your thoughts. It’s only my second year with ducks and I just wish I had more experience. 🤷‍♀️
We are Newbies also and still learning daily. Yes I have read that also on Jumbo Pekins having heart issues. Hopefully it isn't anything more serious then that to affect the rest of your flock. It's still very sad to have to loose a sweet little pet like that. Best of luck and hope everyone stays healthy and starts laying eggs again soon for you. :)
We are Newbies also and still learning daily. Yes I have read that also on Jumbo Pekins having heart issues. Hopefully it isn't anything more serious then that to affect the rest of your flock. It's still very sad to have to loose a sweet little pet like that. Best of luck and hope everyone stays healthy and starts laying eggs again soon for you. :)
Thank you! It was very sad to lose him. He was a sweetheart and treated his girls well. Going to miss him. I’ve been keeping a close eye on the girls so hopefully it was nothing contagious.
I am sorry for your loss, my ducks will strike for seemingly the slightest reason so I would imagine the loss of your drake would certainly do it. Also i went from 6 eggs in one day to one now and then so it is possible that and the time change is causing the issues.
Sorry for the loss of your drake. If they were emotionally attached to the drake, that, and decreased daylight could be both contributing factors to why they're not laying many eggs. Hopefully, you'll start seeing eggs soon.

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