Pekin mating a runner?


7 Years
Jan 5, 2017
Jackson County, KY
Hey all! I was considering adding a few runners to my flock, but I'm afraid my male Pekin may be too large to mate the runners. Has anyone had any problems with male Pekins and female Runners?
Hey all! I was considering adding a few runners to my flock, but I'm afraid my male Pekin may be too large to mate the runners. Has anyone had any problems with male Pekins and female Runners?
Welcome to BYC! The size difference will be fine. My male Pekin mates with runners half his size and they are fine. Same with Muscovies. Muscovy drakes are huge (10-14 pounds), and they mate with 6-7 pound females every day.
I was wondering the same. I have a huge male peking, that recently lost his mate to a raccoon and I recently bought 3 runners, 2 are feme and 1 male. But he mated with one of the runners and hurt her, so idk if it's safe for him to mate with them. Anyone have advice ?
I have a 15lb Muscovy drake and it took me many years to decide to get Runners because I was worried he'd injure one of them mating with them. But he never has mated with any of them and it's been 6 yrs. He sticks to his girls and the Runners and Buffs and Runner drake all stick together.
Might want to look for some Pekin females or other large breed females for your Pekin.
I have 2 Buff Orpington ducks that are part of the Runner flock and my Muscovy has never mated them either. But they would be more size wise to what you could look for for your Pekin drake. Rouens are another heavy breed that would be suitable for Pekin harem.
How is your Runner that was injured.
Hey all! I was considering adding a few runners to my flock, but I'm afraid my male Pekin may be too large to mate the runners. Has anyone had any problems with male Pekins and female Runners?
The male Pekins cannot waddle fast enough to catch a female runner, however my runner drake easily runs down the peking hens ... Lol too funny like sitting ducks!
I have the same here My Muscovy drake never even tried but my 2 Riunner drakes dad and son will run down a Muscovy female in a heartbeat so I keep these 3 girls from the boys. They are old ladies now and don't need that drama.

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