Pellets, crumble or mash? Please weigh in!

I feed a 50/50 mix of lay pellets (more convenient) and hen scratch for my older girls. Chick starter crumbles until 8 weeks. I also toss in veggie peels as a treat and next batch of beer I brew am going to try the left over grain as a treat as well and as my Grandmother did I recycle egg shells.
I started my hens on layer crumble when they were old enough to start laying, but switched to pellets. I thought they scratched out a lot of the crumble from the feeder then walked all over it. I like to think less is wasted with the pellets because it is easy for them to eat it off the ground. It doesn't become powder under foot.
Since their run has become a post-apocalyptic wasteland, it is good to give them lettuce and other veggies. They like scratch. I like to limit the scratch because the experienced chicken owners here have said to limit treats to about 10% of their daily intake. I have no idea what the percentage of treats they get, but I try to keep it low.
I've fed all three over the years. They're all fine. Feed is feed, regardless of the shape. Just different feeding systems tweaked to prevent waste, that's all.

That said, skyrocketing feed prices the last few years has 100% driven me to locally ground mash feed. It is priced 40% less than fancy, bagged pelletized feed trucked in from far distances. Can simply not pay those prices. I now feed this: $19 a hundred pounds.

My girls over the years turned finiky now I feed them a game bird mix. During summer they get all the frsh fruit and veggies they want plus I add in Flax seed, brown rice/ garlic to de worm them. This winter has been off. California has seen no rain so the winter grasses havent been arround and the insects and worms unavailable to my girls. So i have been buying fresh spinach, watercress , zucchini and canned cat food , mainly the fish variety to boost their diet with great results. I also feed the koi with just the watercress floating inthe pond. As it grows I can bring in new bunches from the store and give the girls what has been floating in the pond.
I feed mash, mainly because the organic feed around me only comes in mash. I have no trouble with it. a lot of people seem to say they have a lot of waste with mash, however I find the contrary. the waste is unmeasureable and what does get on the ground, i see them eat it.
I've fed all three over the years. They're all fine. Feed is feed, regardless of the shape. Just different feeding systems tweaked to prevent waste, that's all.

That said, skyrocketing feed prices the last few years has 100% driven me to locally ground mash feed. It is priced 40% less than fancy, bagged pelletized feed trucked in from far distances. Can simply not pay those prices. I now feed this: $19 a hundred pounds.

It seems pretty varied. I feed crumbles now, but the person I was speaking to said that he would only feed mash with a mixture of scratch because anything larger than mash causes digestion problems. My girls have also had pellets and seemed fine then too. I guess it's like all things, you have to listen to all the different perspectives and ultimately choose what feels right for you. I just wondered and was interested in your input. Keep em coming!
I feed Layena Pellets, again feeling that there is less waste from my hens vs crumbles. I throw out a cup or so of BOSS (Black Oil Sunflower Seeds) with 1/4 cup or so of scratch. I watch children in my home, and there is always leftover from their lunches. So they get veggies, pasta, etc. They really look forward to hearing "here, chickie, chickie" because they know it's treat time!
I have been feeding Purena Flock raiser and the Layena in the crumbles type till just last week which then i switched to the Pellets.
But now I'm having second thoughts b/c the pellets look real huge. }}}Can Ducks & Chickens really eat the pellets?? The pellets look pretty big & the Ducks and Chickens don't have teeth. So this has been a major concern for me. I think i might switch back to the crumbles. ~Julie~
I give pellets,layer. Scratch on cold days. BOSS all the time. Toss in apples and oats.Sometimes they get some whole grain noddles or brown rice left overs. I have even given mackrel fish.Scambles eggs and cottage cheese.Grapes and raisins.Mealworms.Japanese beetles. I used to add hot water to crumbles or pellets in the winter for the am meal.

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