Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

HIya Bruce!

There is some great advice on the Meat Chicken Thread on BYC, I saw some informative videos on U-Tube.

But what I do, is take them to a guy in Ephrata, who will process for $1.30 each. Can't beat it!
The funniest thing was asked of me today, "Are you going to be peeping all year long?" What they meant to say is, am I going to hatch eggs year round............... I thought is was funny.
The funniest thing was asked of me today, "Are you going to be peeping all year long?" What they meant to say is, am I going to hatch eggs year round............... I thought is was funny.
Heatherscooby: love the 'are you peeping' and the paint job!

Missy: he is a Bantam Cochin out of a Mille Fleur hatch, he's got the best coloring of any in my hatch, i'm also bringing a black roo, we decided to keep the roo that the kids like the most even though his coloring is not that great. So hopefully after the sale, we'll have one roo and two hens. Should be good. PM me if you're interested.


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