Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

6' x 12' grow-out pen.....

...iced twig, we did get the forecasted 1/4 inch.....

...frozen berries....

Stake this is what happened to those pallets I got from you.

The chickens preferred staying inside today.

The watering hole for the free rangers. It has never frozen and they seem to like standing in it. The water is always flowing so I'm guessing the temperature of the water to be around 50 - 55 degrees which is warmer than the snow.

Beautiful birds! ...and beautiful pics!!!
I hadn't caught that the first time I looked at the pic.... but you are right... sure does look like a fancy tail!

....I may have had a little too much wine w/dinner!

Nice pics!!  I thought the Barred Rock in the middle pic had a really neat tail until I realized it was a head of a Polish!!!   :th

I hadn't caught that the first time I looked at the pic.... but you are right... sure does look like a fancy tail! :p  

I had to take a second look too!, funny.

Barbie: ACV = Apple Cider Vinegar. I believe it's supposed to straighten out the gut, among other things. Get the kind with the 'mother'? In it... Can be found in Walmart
I agree with troy. I don't use medicated starter because SFH seem to have problems with it, they develop problems, so I just quit using it all together. I do put lumps of dirt and grass in my brooder to build resistance to cocci. I believe that is what medicated is for.
My run has an open top. My losses this winter have been to predators. I guess the smart and strong survive.
[COLOR=0000FF]Near miss..[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]Hit the fence, but no harm done.[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]weight of the snow taking out one of the tresses in the main run[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]main run before pic:[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]Power is still out, hope we have enough Propane to last through this nonsense. In the mean time, I'm thrilled to have heat and water but no TV, dishwasher, washer, dryer, oven….ect. I can't decide we if we're more like the characters from Little House on the Prairie or those fat people in Wall-E that fall out of their chairs and discover the world around them once their not stuck in front of a screen anymore...[/COLOR]
I can sympathize. I went a month in the camper with no running water. Everything had to be hauled in, even water for the birds. I've also been 2 months now withiut a real stove/oven. None in the camper & now all of my furniture & appliances are still in storage. I make do though. I have a crockpot, mini crock, 2 burner hot plate, electric skillet, microwave & a small George Foreman grill. It sure is nice having running water for nice hot showers & baths though. I missed that more than any of the rest.
I agree with troy. I don't use medicated starter because SFH seem to have problems with it, they develop problems, so I just quit using it all together. I do put lumps of dirt and grass in my brooder to build resistance to cocci. I believe that is what medicated is for.
My run has an open top. My losses this winter have been to predators. I guess the smart and strong survive.

We don't use the medicated starter either, most of our birds are broody raised in the coop so they share the sand floor with the rest of the birds. We haven't had any loss of chicks to illness, last year broodies raised 38 chicks in the coop. We also raised 20 meat birds and 6 black giants from TSC in a brooder for 2 weeks and did like you, chicques, our brooder is an old wooden crib and we have a false floor in one with a plastic pan that sits down in and we fill it halfway with sand mix from the coop. A couple times a day I would sprinkle hulled sunflower seeds or some other treat in the pan so the babies would scratch in it. At two weeks they moved to the broody area in the coop and were on the sand floor. All chicks had ACV water from the start, and our water is well water, so they probably get some minerals in it also, since we have 'hard' water.

Has anyone ever looked into whether folks with 'conditioned' water have more trouble with chicks than folks with well or spring water? I don't know if removing all of the trace minerals would be good or bad, actually.

Blarney.... that pic is scary!!!! Our coop is tucked against the tree line and though I love the location much of the time a falling tree is my biggest fear. So glad it missed your coop!
so who's nets survived and whos did not?

And whos survived how did you attach them? I need to run something temp, but obviously not as temp as I had! lol

This is my 2nd winter with my banty Polish girl. Her name is Einstein and she rules the roost!!!!

Sally my netting stayed up this year. We had built a roofing section, not that big but big enough to help alittle! We just used zip ties to attach it to the fencing. Last year our one run took a big hit and all the poles collapsed with the netting. Had to reinforce everything and put 2 sections of roofing on that run.

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