Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

[COLOR=0000FF]Does this mean you won't be participating in the New Year's Day hatch?! It's the only thing that keeps me sane through the holidays. C'mon!! A nudge is nothing![/COLOR]


Hmmmm......   :drool   What is this New Years Day hatch that you speak of? I have not heard of it. :confused:      :drool

It's a bunch of BYCers hatching eggs together in the middle of winter -cause we're just a teensy bit crazy. It's a thread that moves incredibly fast with lots of great information and support to save you from the holiday madness and relatives that roll their eyes at your chicken adventure stories.
Hey all!  :frow sending out a hello and sorry I am not on much!  I CANT WAIT FOR SCHOOL TO START!!  :caf  

 hoping everyone is in good health and things are going great this summer!  I am going to have thousands of pages to read!!! 

Glad to see you stopping in!!
Summers sure are an 'on the go' time, thank goodness for portable tablets and smart phones or I wouldn't have been on in 2 months! LOL
Kitten update: well, I have to discuss is with everyone but I think I'm going to call him Ivan. Mostly because I thought we found him in the Ivyside plaza but we didn't and I can't think of a name that I like. After sending my husband of to work and climbing back in bed this morning I heard pitiful meowing going on. So I went out and he was sitting by the door of the crate begging for attention. I took him to bed with me for a good hour and he just purred and cuddled. I think he's improving with leaps and bounds. After that he got up, hopped of the bed and didn't even run when Sparkles ran over to sniff him (Yay!) Definitely a far cry from that panicky little thing that bit a hole in my hand last weekend.

whoever is going to have extra SS hens,dI'd love one :) just one though. They were one of the original breeds I was looking for. My coop is pretty full and I'm focusing mostly on BCM and OE. Dang that chicken math! We even made the coop bigger than we thought we'd need and is about full! I forsee an addition next year already lol
Hey all!  :frow sending out a hello and sorry I am not on much!  I CANT WAIT FOR SCHOOL TO START!!  :caf  

 hoping everyone is in good health and things are going great this summer!  I am going to have thousands of pages to read!!! 

Hey Sally!!! Just letting you know I kept the only little serama (frizzle) from my Easter Hatch. Yesterday was the first day she free ranged with the flock. I kept her inside with another batch of juveniles until a week ago when I sold them. She's such a doll, she's my little sister's and she named her Shimmer. I think she'll be laying in rougly 4 or 5 weeks. :) The rest in that hatch were roosters, and a family friend took them. :)
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Quote: I hear you! I am overrun with kids! I wish I could use my cell to get online but even with my bottle glasses I cannot see!!!

Quote: all roos! thats a bummer! so your hatches have been better now? good to hear! Your such and awesome big Sis!
Another fruit alert! Cases of pineapple for $0.99 at first stop shop in Altoona! I'm going tomorrow to get about 5 cases. If Patton is closer to anyone that wants some, let me know and I'll grab some for you. Just let me know by about 11 am tomorrow (Thursday)

Wow. I'm jealous!! We don't have anything like that where I'm at. I'd totally be stocking up too! And I'm happy your kitten saga is going so well! That's a big thing for the scared little guy to want attention. Good job!
I mix 1/2 acv with mother with 1/2 regular acv (cheap stuff), put in a glass jar with a coffee filter on top with a rubberband to hold it. Let it sit in the cupboard for 2-3 weeks and you will see the new mother on top, it's a jelly like thing. Then take 1/2 that and put in a jar with a lid to use. start all over again in the original jar filling with more cheap acv. You will have an endless supply for the cost of cheap acv.
Thanks for posting the instructions! I think I'm going to give this a try. We go through a lot of ACV with the birds, and for us too. When stomach flu time rolls around, the kids and I imbibe the stuff like crazy mixed with water (I'm a puke-phobe).
Not chicken related..

I have a family dinner to do this Sunday and would like some fresh homemade bread to go along with dinner....anyone have a tried and true recipe, something I can mostly do the night before and let rise over night........bread has been a failure in the past, so simple is a must...

As for the kitten, I think you are to far away. We are looking for a few barn cats, they would be strictly outside cats with shelter being the barn and fed daily...need to get the mice under control....we never had these problems till father in law got rid of all the cats....( fil, is no longer at the farm)

Bread recipe, go to and search for bread. Video recipes are so helpful!

I just needed to share that today, we have away our first "extra" dozen eggs :) I sent the kids over to the neighbor's house with them (since my flock often hangs out their yard) and they came back with a stack of empty cartons. Apparently they've been waiting for it lol.

now gets an odd question...would it be possible to house a bunny with the chickens? I know that sounds so wierd but almost every day, I take the Oreo out to the run to play with the chickens for a while. They follow her around and she runs and jumps all excited.

We also brought the kitten inside to be around more of a normal house life than isolated in the garage. He's still in a crate obviously but at least he's not completely alone. My only concern is my psychotic husky *eye roll*.

*instinctual Husky, haha!

we had a buck dwarf rabbit that loved hanging out with the chickens, course he could go in and out of the pens whenever he wanted, which he did, he would visit every yard and go in with them, he only took a dislike to one rooster and they would fight until the rooster would give in and run, with hippy hop right behind him to teach him a lesson i guess, i used to love watching them til hippy hop disappeared, maybe an owl.:hit :hit

We had a bunny that we would let out I the yard, and he would come back when we whistled!
@Sally Sunshine, They have gone better! I only did one after Easter, because my new hen was laying eggs and I was excited. So I hatched three of her babies. 2 cockerels and a pullet. Found a great home for the pullet where she'll be a pet to a little girl and have other flockmates. So that's good. I'll get a picture of Shimmer in a few minutes. She's not understanding the whole "follow the flock or you'll get lost" concept, but we're working on it. My roo is obsessed with her. He's been dancing circles around her. Literally. She was sunbathing amd he was just dancing around and around and around her. She wasn't impressed.
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