Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Just a picture to remind us of warm weather, maybe if you try real hard you can make yourself feel a bit warmer, just by looking at this picture and imagining the weather that goes with it.

nope...can't do picture is a bunch of my chooks standing on one leg with their backs to the wind for most of the day....I am amazed at how tough the little one is? he was chirping at mom quite a bit, but never tried to hide under her....
Wing, I am just giving you an updated chicken count. I am looking to buy at least 10, maybe a couple more if you have them. Also, I think you mentioned some small turkeys too. I would love one of them as well. Any idea on how big these chickens will be? Last batch were a bit smaller. Just curious. Need to plan my freezer space.

My bonehead Bantam Langshan went broody again. I think I will have to let her be broody, since torturing her in the broody breaker seems cruel this time of year, and I would give her some eggs to hatch, but it's just soooo cold and my coop is small, I wouldn't want to take a chance. Unless someone had some fertile eggs they didn't care about.
I'm open to advice though....


My lay rates are way down, I have two I pulled today and will have a couple over the next few are welcome to whatever you want....
Baby alert! First two are out of the shells! Both are the pure BCM.... and both are yellow lol. They must have the recessive white gene. We were really upset with our last hatch when the only marans chick born that way was killed by the flock. I'm thrilled to have 2 this time. And I think they will be named Wynter and Flurry
still waiting on the silkie mix and the brahma cross.

Congrats on your hatch...tough day to start....if they are doing good in the spring, keep them in mind for breeding....(not that I'm a genetics type, but the yellow chicks are often identified as "wheaten" genetics...a bit beyond my understanding)
Congrats on your hatch...tough day to start....if they are doing good in the spring, keep them in mind for breeding....(not that I'm a genetics type, but the yellow chicks are often identified as "wheaten" genetics...a bit beyond my understanding)

Thanks! I was told two possibilities for the yellow chicks. 1 that they would feather out as wheaten or 2 as pure white. I'm anxious to see. I already told hubby I'm keeping these two lol. Unless they're both boys, then I'll have to choose one but I fully intend to breed them off they make it safely through the winter. I put a dog crate inside the coop and moved Midnight inside it. I don't want to move them to the little coop. I'm worried it would be too cold. And I don't want to move them inside because I don't want to have to reintegrate them all back in the flock. I'm going to keep them in the crate with mama for about 2 weeks then let her take them out. By then, they should be big enough to get out of the coop with her (there's a bit of a jump to get up to the pop door to get out and a big ramp outside it). I'm hoping this works out.
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Danielle, we are the only ones here! Wanna fool around?!
haha..OMGosh..I just saw this.
.hahaha..okay, but I think some of the others here are feeling a little left out

Pop, heard of medlar, but not Akebia. Awesome! Thanks! How are your paw paws? I want to grow them but we don't have enough room here, but it's on the list for the future. Oh, and when can I tour the farm?

I agree, what a brutal morning! At least it was dry though.
Oh, get a room you two!

Just a picture to remind us of warm weather, maybe if you try real hard you can make yourself feel a bit warmer, just by looking at this picture and imagining the weather that goes with it.

now that is nice!!..thank you !!..cause I know part of my face flew off today when i went out to check things and give the daughter a "chicken care" run-through..have some doctoring in Lancaster Co. the next couple days..blah

We buy a lot of our plants from Trees of Antiquity, One Green World and Raintree Nurseries. We gravitate towards older varieties and European plants, they are hardier and grown good in colder climates. We are located south of you but at the top of the mountain so it's pretty much always windy. We usually only pick plants/trees that can handle the colder, harsh winters.

The Akebia fruit is delicious, very creamy. To me it almost reminds me of pudding. We fought over the last one this year, our 4 year old won! We have ours growing up lattice outside our downstairs door. With as cold as it was last year around here, it suffered no effects of the cold and wind.

I know we have some other weird, uncommon stuff. I'll have to pull tree listing.
Oh..this is great!! I will look into these companies..Thank you so much for sharing!!
Tonight I am in Indiana where it is 10*, and -5* with the windchill. Thursday evening I will be in Dallas. Upper seventies!!
I miss my chickens and turkeys, but not cold and its issues!
I am planning my next flocks as I go down the road. I didn't know my white BCM offspring was desirable. I do know the 100% pullet hatch was!
Tonight I am in Indiana where it is 10*, and -5* with the windchill. Thursday evening I will be in Dallas. Upper seventies!!
I miss my chickens and turkeys, but not cold and its issues!
I am planning my next flocks as I go down the road. I didn't know my white BCM offspring was desirable. I do know the 100% pullet hatch was!

I am glad you've been keeping in touch! How is the pooch doing after his cold spell? Hope he is back to his normal self after his warm nap. I envy your getting to see the country but I can't say I would envy the weather changes and I would also miss my critters. Your future flocks will be well planned with the road time you are getting!
Pop, heard of medlar, but not Akebia. Awesome! Thanks! How are your paw paws? I want to grow them but we don't have enough room here, but it's on the list for the future. Oh, and when can I tour the farm?

I agree, what a brutal morning! At least it was dry though.
Oh, get a room you two!

We got paw paws last year but not this year, we lost our largest tree to borers. We should get some next year again because the two trees that are left are about the same size. As far as a tour, if you ever get to Ringtown, let me know, we would be more than happy to take you for a walk around the property. My hubby knows every single tree off the top of his head. We can sit on the bench with a glass of wine and overlook the whole valley.
haha..OMGosh..I just saw this.
.hahaha..okay, but I think some of the others here are feeling a little left out


now that is nice!!..thank you !!..cause I know part of my face flew off today when i went out to check things and give the daughter a "chicken care" run-through..have some doctoring in Lancaster Co. the next couple days..blah

Oh..this is great!! I will look into these companies..Thank you so much for sharing!!

Here's another weird one for you that we grow: Shipova

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