Pennsylvania!! Unite!!


How's Bella  doing?

She's doing well, just as gorgeous as ever and LOVING the snow!

Had a rough day today. I fell on the ice again on my hip again. Couldn't sleep last night because of the pain. Went down the hill and seen raccoon prints around my silkie run and duck run.  My traps are frozen to the ground so I can't even set them. Argh!!! :he Get to my Golden laced wyandotte and Easter egger pen and see blood all over the place, I freak out. It seems my 2 roos, in 2 different pens, are fighting. My older Golden laced wyandotte lost half his wattle and some of his comb to the Black Australorp. They were still fighting through the fence at 3ish when I went back down for water and egg check. Is there anything I should watch out for with my rooster tomorrow? I hope they will not fight tomorrow :hit I don't know what I can do for him. NO way hubby will let this rooster in the bath tub to heal.

Took my son to the doctor's this afternoon and she looked at him and swabbed him for the flu. She said it will take 10 minutes for the test to be completed. She came back in about a minute later and said he was positive for the flu! He is highly contagious and needs to stay home from school for the week. :he I hope the rest of us don't get the flu. I am going around with the wipes cleaning everything he touches. Argh he has been sick since Saturday night so hopefully we aren't sick yet, we will be ok.

I went to the hardware store this morning and got the ice gripes for the bottom of my boots. Paid $30 for them. I figure they will be worth their weight in gold if I don't fall anymore!!!  I tried them out on the icy hill and I didn't fall!!! :weee That was my good part of the day!

Oh wow, Chica! When it rains, it pours, I hope your son has a quick recovery and keeps that flu in check. Thanks for reminding me about the ice clips, I've got a pair and haven't put them on my bots yet.
I came out of the coop earlier to my super dog growling at a fox that had tried to sneak up. My Ruger was blocking his way to me and the coop. The fox was not afraid of me and not having a gun I threw the feed bucket at it. It ran a few feet away so I yelled for my pup and we ran. I spent the last hour trying to dispose of the very strange acting fox. Things I learned today:
1. I'm a terrible shot and need LOTS of target practice.
2. Trying to be Annie Oakley while having the flu (fever, shaking and weak) is not a super idea.
3. My 20lb pup has the heart of a lion and is my protector. (He's getting a piece of deer steak for supper)
4. Pistol needs to be on my hip whenever I go out. Feed buckets are only mildly effective.
5. Finally, crazy animals need to stay away from my coop because even though I can barely stand today I will defend my flock.


Critters, once they get 'dialed in' on a food source can be a bear to get them to break off...I had a ground hog challenge both me and my 80lb pooch over a bird feeder full of seeds(took an hour to chase him off) glad your pooch was willing to toe the line....never heard of a fox being so might want a shotgun with a heavy advised, they will be back....
Hi! Getting ready for my first Flock. Does anyone know of good breeders around harrisburg/lancaster/york area? I've got my heart set on a barred rock, an EE, a golden laced wyandotte and a frizzle cochin.
Aw so sorry you fell and got hurt. That's terrible for your son too. Hope he feels better soon.
I would have loved to see a video of that! I can only imagine... Those silly girls, they can be entertaining. :lol:
Congrats! Have you had chicks and chickens before? They are SO much fun. I got mine last spring and I only wish I had more space to have more girls! (And some meaties, and a turkey and a.....) :rolleyes: Can't wait to hear what your "exotic" is!

No I've never owned chickens before. Growing up tho grandma must have had hundreds .om her farm for both meat and eggs. I will definitely keep you all updated with photos I'm sure I will need the help to guess what the exotic one is. I know I already regret not making the coop twice the size. Sigh.
Hello to all of the new folks! Glad to have you onboard! Hopefully we will all be able to help you find any breeds you never knew you needed!

Hope everyone takes care when out on the ice and that the worst of the injuries are limited to bumps and bruises.

Flu season is definitely here with a vengeance! Basically we are all stuck just getting through it
.... hopefully everyone who gets it is able to fight it off without major consequences!

I haven't been on much with having a busy work week, this week will be about 73 hours, if my next shift doesn't run over like they sometimes do...

In coop news we had 3 hens hatch out chicks over the weekend and now have 3 more setting! They evidently didn't look outside to see that it was white instead of green!

Jeckle is hiding her little ones.... she is not impressed with us silly humans trying to get pictures!

Bess with hers...

and Janeway watching over her gangs feed dish

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