Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

They look very happy there.
I'm trying to figure out how to tame ducklings. I have my week old ones nibbling on my fingers when I slowly put my hand in there. There are only 8 of those, there are 18 of the newly hatched ones to tame. I need more hours in the day.

You have to kiss them on the beak and read them a bedtime story every night. :lau

Edited to adjust for auto correct.
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Good news! At least 7 of my turkey eggs are developing in the incubator.

Bad news. I can’t find where the turkeys have been laying their eggs. Sneaky girls! I’m hoping they’ve been lay8ng under the fallen pine tree, because tomorrow, I’m having someone come out and cut it up. I already asked to e careful, he may find a nest!
Found the nest! Now these will go in the incubator...


@dheltzel @Auroradream26 What do you guys think is a good price to sell turkey poults? Do you sell them as day olds, or older?

I sell day olds for $10 each regardless of color or type. After a few weeks if I still have them, I bump the price up to $12-15 depending on how old they are. I rarely have them long enough to do that though.
Hi fisherlady! :frow I wasn’t sure if I’d still know anyone, it’s been awhile!

Sharron stopped in recently, Blarney stops regularly, wingstone was here last fall to let us know her and her husband were moving to property near State College but hasn't been back on since. SallySunshine is still active on the site but usually on the hatching threads.
Mamma2my4, missyDPC and others have faded away or else I have missed seeing them.
But the community is still here, and as full of 'neighborly types' as always (a nicer way to say enablers!, lol)
One member we lost is stake, he died from cancer last year... I still miss his postings...
Oh no! I’m sorry to hear about stake. :(
I still see Sally, Missy, Chad, and wingstone on fb. Blarney, heatherscooby, troyer, ladyhawk are members of the poultry club, so I see them regularly!
You should stop by the poultry show in the fall!! Even if you don’t show, there is plenty to do! No charge to park or come in & look around. There’s a sale area (no enablers, i swear!), raffle table with neat chicken items, vendors, breeder’s auction with birds from well known breeders (again, not enabling), chicken poop bingo, food and a chicken quiz for kids. Along with a rabbit show in the same building! Oh, and you can come see some of your old BYC friends!!

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