Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

You just didn't see them out since you weren't home. Check the deck for fresh poop.
Oh My Gosh!! Too stinking funny! DH was home, said there were no jail breaks, but we all know how accurate that may be. I'm going to go out n check for 'presents' on the deck. Bobbie,you must have really good windows...or perhaps I have bad ones! I can hear my roos in the middle of the night. It makes for interesting adventures involving a night gown and a flash light.
I should really stay away from pinterest,,,hubby gets a little antsy when I hand him projects.....

ballons with glow sticks in them

we have old tractor tires and I need a duck pond..

just liked this one

jello shot with a handle,,,must remember this

i am pretty sure nothing wants to live in my shoes.

great little fruit cups

does glow in the dark paint really work this well.
My family and I go to my hubby's cabin in Haneyville the week of July 4th. I've already said something to April about getting together sometime that week. It would be nice if you could join us! I thought of going to Bald Eagle State Park for a day? About half way between for you all and where the cabin is located.

Let me know if you all do this! I live right near the Park!
Anyone looking for a dog to own? My wife has saved 2 dogs from a shelter in Georgia a few days ago and just now. They both would've been put to death by gassing otherwise. We need to find them homes. Anyone think they're interested or know someone that would be?

What kind of dog.
Hi to everyone! I'm relatively new to BYC and was wondering if anyone could help me. We have chicks and ducklings that we are raising together in the same brooder. Does anyone know if the chicks can have niacin water? I wanted to ask before I put it in the waterer for the whole crowd. Thanks!
I spent the day building bottoms and platforms for my breeding pens. I also built a 8'x22"x22" brooder for in the sunroom. In order to build the bottoms and platforms, we had to clean out some of the shed. Cleaned out the old dog kennel for the KCs. I really and beat. I am ready for a hot tea, a steaming bath and my bed.

It's still a dump, but we are getting there. We are still dealing with the other peoples' junk and garbage. This shed was used as a dumpster for all the household garbage - literally. Dewey said I can have the shed for a chicken coop since it has electricity and it's close to the house. The back left corner will be 4 or 5 pens for the LFs and a grow out pen. The right, where the cages are now, will be where my feed and shaving will be. The front right will be cleaned out and shelves removed (man door and cat door is behind the shelves) for more small breeding pens like I have now. I will have 2 pen setups like on the left front in that corner. I may even build another row up the middle in the front.

The brooder ducks got moved outside to the Chinchilla cage.

KCs in their Dogloo and the dog kennel. Hey, I can't put them in with the older ducks and geese yet. At least this is easy to clean - just hose it!

And then the new brooder...

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