Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

got my first egg today from the new year's hatch,,,a perfect little egg, now to figure out who...
Really??? Hmm....will have to take another look at Tyler..maybe she is indeed a he.
my middle daughter is now a proud gun owner, she bought this today at cabela's;Search-All+Products
Awesome! Now we need to set up a day of shooting...we'll get Blarney taught one way or another!
She was within 15-20 minutes of my house. Should have swung on over.
Doubtful, we have a Cabela's in Hamburg, much closer to Miss Sally
humm, sorry to be the pissy one, but make sure there are gun safety lessons included in the purchase....
I can't imagine Wing's kid didn't have a gun in hand at an early age.
Trying to find is a bugger too, ammo for all handguns has become a real pain, at least around here.
HI EVERYONE!!! It has been so long since I have been on here!! Just an up date... all my chickens are doing great and Im hatching eggs as we speak!! ONE JUST HATCHED!! Though I had to ad water and now my humidity is up at 80% and I pray it goes down! But out of my last batch of 10 I got 9 babies and I now have 14 eggs in there and on the 19Th day I candled everyone and they were all moving and doing great! I have 3 pipped and 1 just hatched!! I hope this batch makes it... My little turd (3 year old girl) opened the bator today and all temps and humidity went down bad but as soon as I closed it they went up real fast. But then 20 min later I got my first pip! So that baby was the first to come out and now I'm hoping I don't have no shrink wrapped babies as my turd just woke up and I was outside with the dog scaring away a coon from the coop and she had it opened again!!! So at this point I was freaking out. I'm still praying that they all will hatch... but good grief!!! This is my FIRST time ever hatching and I'm loving it! Just not this part of it... I don't want the babies to die... So for my next hatch I know I will be placing in a box and putting it up HIGHER than a chair can reach!!
Good luck on the hatch, now stick around this time!
Here they are. They wont walk through the big chicks legs for the camera, but they look cute here anyways. :rolleyes: The older ones were two weeks old here, and the new chicks about two days? Beulah is on the right and Hortense on the left in the first two pictures and Mavis is the darker chick in the last two.
OMG that spotted one has attitude!
and I am wondering if maybe I should take extra boxes and money, others tell me that when they visit Eli they always leave with extra's......
And the same doesn't happen when people visit you?
Today I get to go babysit 4 bratty children for 8 hours. Do I want to do this?
I can loan you my 5 grandchildren to make you feel better about those 4.
Ok, I feel better now, it's like a junkie with a fix.... since my daughter takes care of brooders,she waned to use old playpen with just paper towels, considering they are mostly ducks ,,we will see how that goes much for no new chicks??
Look at that face!! I cant get over it! Look at that leg! Lol!! wants to stick it's tongue out at you!
:eek: [COLOR=800080]OMGoodness, that one on the top really does look like a fat tick, doesn't it?? But, the one on the bottom looks like an ingrown feather, hmmm... Only one way to be sure...:sick .[/COLOR] Ok, so with my husband holding on, assorted gauze pads, antibiotics, tweezers (you get the idea) I found out that they were both ingrown feathers. EW..EW..EW... And on the bright note, I think the pharmacist at Rite Aid officially lost it when I asked if they stocked scalpels, because I needed one for my chicken's surgery. He said, "Don't you use a knife, like everybody else?"
LMAO...I have I'd prolly use one too....and glad it was "only" ingrown feathers!
may need to have you come out and take better look, I am not good at picking plant locations,gonna go ahead and put 1 in run this year,,,plan is a small orchard area, just not sure whhere or how, there's a keiffer pearr tree now that goes waste because I can not figure out how to use them..also a couple black walnut trees,,the squirrels are the only one that can open them
You drive over the black walnuts to open them. I might grab some of the pears from you when they ripen...if my schedule frees up some.
I was just reading up on weed control in the strawberry patch, found an article about geese in the garden, is it true that they eat weeds and not your plants....
Long, long ago on a message board far, far away, I read about chickens weeding your garden for you....and THIS set me on my journey to owning chickens...only to discover that they will do no such thing...they will pull up any seedling!
back to researching this so called weeder geese,,, might need a cheap goose or 2,,,,I have an out of control strawberry patch.. :oops: never ate goose it good
Goose is yummy!
Anyone know how well magnets would work for securing a pop door? Like the ones that hold cabinet doors closed? And can they be used when wanting to open and close the door from outside of the run? Thanks.
I use a simple hook and eye to secure mine.
Now THAT is nice
& not a bad price, weve looked at different places, boy , do they get crazy! :weee .OMG....Hey, everyone....One of the girls just layed today!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We believe it was from thr BL, it is small & cream colored. SOOOO cool!!! We only just recieved them Friday, and they are 5 months old, very surprised to see this!
Thought it was a Wyandotte "thing" to take awhile to lay...whatever, I'm not complaining!!!! When we took it out she started making alot of noise..I don't think she wants to share! She is "the Boss"!
Awesome! I guess that's the point of getting POL huh?
Oh goodness, crossing my fingers for you Rey.
Sorry I had to quote so much, went away for the weekend, and while I totally had cell (and therefore inet) coverage...just didn't have time/energy. Was an awesome weekend of learning wilderness survival techniques!

So, Friday as we were leaving, DH called his daughter and asked her to pick up our milk co-op and bring it over to the house over the weekend when she came to feed/water her cat. I asked her to water/feed my chicks ducks downstairs....she came over 2 hours after we left and did so....well....sort of. She dropped the glass quart waterer....and shattered had to put just a bowl of water in the chick's say I came back to a mess is an understatement. And seriously???? 2 hours after we left??? I'd just fed/watered everyone!!!! It was the last thing I did before leaving the house....figuring if she couldn't make it...they'd be "ok". Thankfully they were....We fully expected her to come over on Saturday!!!

The good news is it's been 1 month since I brought everyone now the ones in quarantine can move into the little coop inside the big coop, and the dumb ducklings can move into the quarantine pen.....and the chicks in the small brooder can move into the big brooder.

So question for all you experts....can 2 LF parents create a bantam offspring??? I swear that Tyler is mini-sized, despite the fact that I don't own any bantams except for Dinner...and if my sebright knocked up any of the big girls...well...more power to him....but I don't even see him thinking about trying...I'll get pics tomorrw...but Tyler was hatched Jan 4, so is almost 5 months old....and looks smaller than the 8 week olds in quarantine!
Looks like a Crevecoeur :) solid black crested breed from France, used to be very uncommon but a lot of hatcheries carry them now. Where did you get her from? Polish mix is possible too!

We got her at tractor supply. She eas in with the bantams. My daughter picked her because she was the biggest. She is now a little bigger then the red sexlinks of the same age. Thanks for liking my floor :)
I appreciate that input Missy. But then I'd have to get into the run to open and close the door. I'm trying to figure out a way that the kids can do it before school without getting muddy and poo covered.
Now THAT is nice
& not a bad price, weve looked at different places, boy , do they get crazy! :weee .OMG....Hey, everyone....One of the girls just layed today!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We believe it was from thr BL, it is small & cream colored. SOOOO cool!!! We only just recieved them Friday, and they are 5 months old, very surprised to see this!
Thought it was a Wyandotte "thing" to take awhile to lay...whatever, I'm not complaining!!!! When we took it out she started making alot of noise..I don't think she wants to share! She is "the Boss"!
What beautiful babies! You must be very happy!
Quote: I would think you need some kind of lock or latch to keep it closed.

Sorry I had to quote so much, went away for the weekend, and while I totally had cell (and therefore inet) coverage...just didn't have time/energy. Was an awesome weekend of learning wilderness survival techniques!

So, Friday as we were leaving, DH called his daughter and asked her to pick up our milk co-op and bring it over to the house over the weekend when she came to feed/water her cat. I asked her to water/feed my chicks ducks downstairs....she came over 2 hours after we left and did so....well....sort of. She dropped the glass quart waterer....and shattered had to put just a bowl of water in the chick's say I came back to a mess is an understatement. And seriously???? 2 hours after we left??? I'd just fed/watered everyone!!!! It was the last thing I did before leaving the house....figuring if she couldn't make it...they'd be "ok". Thankfully they were....We fully expected her to come over on Saturday!!!

The good news is it's been 1 month since I brought everyone now the ones in quarantine can move into the little coop inside the big coop, and the dumb ducklings can move into the quarantine pen.....and the chicks in the small brooder can move into the big brooder.

So question for all you experts....can 2 LF parents create a bantam offspring??? I swear that Tyler is mini-sized, despite the fact that I don't own any bantams except for Dinner...and if my sebright knocked up any of the big girls...well...more power to him....but I don't even see him thinking about trying...I'll get pics tomorrw...but Tyler was hatched Jan 4, so is almost 5 months old....and looks smaller than the 8 week olds in quarantine!
I know may banty roo tries & has succeeded at least a few times with any hen that escapes the pen & he can grab before our other free range LF roo knocks him off of her.

I appreciate that input Missy. But then I'd have to get into the run to open and close the door. I'm trying to figure out a way that the kids can do it before school without getting muddy and poo covered.
My coop pop door is on a slider track with a stick attached that can be pulled open & pushed closed without ever going in the coop. He stick then has a hook & eye latch at the corner of the coop to keep anything from sliding it open at night.
I would think you need some kind of lock or latch to keep it closed.

I know may banty roo tries & has succeeded at least a few times with any hen that escapes the pen & he can grab before our other free range LF roo knocks him off of her.

My coop pop door is on a slider track with a stick attached that can be pulled open & pushed closed without ever going in the coop. He stick then has a hook & eye latch at the corner of the coop to keep anything from sliding it open at night.

Thanks silkie. That is another option I am considering also. I just had the idea of the magnets and was curious.

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