Pennsylvania!! Unite!!


I made miss fizz her apron. Kind of winged it so we'll see how it stays on. And literally seconds after taking that picture Mr silk decided to do his business on her and try it out. Seemed to work. Think I will make one more just slightly longer, 7" and might need to bring the holes for her wings in a little closer. Guess she's not too thrilled since she went in the coop and hasn't come back out.
And the girls checking her out lol


I made miss fizz her apron. Kind of winged it so we'll see how it stays on. And literally seconds after taking that picture Mr silk decided to do his business on her and try it out. Seemed to work. Think I will make one more just slightly longer, 7" and might need to bring the holes for her wings in a little closer. Guess she's not too thrilled since she went in the coop and hasn't come back out.
And the girls checking her out lol

I have a few quail in need of these. Guess I'll have to see what kind of fabric scraps I can scrounge up.

I made miss fizz her apron. Kind of winged it so we'll see how it stays on. And literally seconds after taking that picture Mr silk decided to do his business on her and try it out. Seemed to work. Think I will make one more just slightly longer, 7" and might need to bring the holes for her wings in a little closer. Guess she's not too thrilled since she went in the coop and hasn't come back out.
And the girls checking her out lol

Love It!!! She looks like the mother hen..
I heard my mother hen clucking away in the bushes earlier. Thinking she was laying an egg in there I went to investigate, her baby is gone. I'm thinking snake, and I hope it was, because that's better than a hawk getting it.
She only had one, and now she's upset. She hasn't left that spot in 2 hours. I'm thinking of slipping an evil baby roo chick that I have in tonight. Do you think she'd take a 2 week old chick?
I heard my mother hen clucking away in the bushes earlier. Thinking she was laying an egg in there I went to investigate, her baby is gone. I'm thinking snake, and I hope it was, because that's better than a hawk getting it.
She only had one, and now she's upset. She hasn't left that spot in 2 hours. I'm thinking of slipping an evil baby roo chick that I have in tonight. Do you think she'd take a 2 week old chick?
That will all depend on her. You can try, but she may kill it if she decides it's an imposter.
I'm 22 pages behind with no time to catch up. My entire last 4 days have been in the garage working on vehicles. I managed to lock down my eggs last night... 4 eggs were pipped. I have 4 poults in my hatcher at the moment! And my car is still broke down...

No more dead chicks. No more sick chicks. I eliminated 26 cockerels over the weekend, too.
So I found this picture of no-sew chicken aprons on another thread. Has anyone here tried them and if so is it worth my effort? Have lots of fleece leftover from blanket projects. I swear my sewing machine hates me. It never wants to work right. My poor little frizzle Cochin is the only one of age and the silkie roo is pulling out her feathers. She has a big bare spot in her back from the action.
My machine hates me as well, I usually sew by hand but there are somethings I'd rather do no sew or with a machine. Please let us know how it works out, I'm sure I could use a few of those in the near future.
Quote: Sounds like my friend's tea cup yorkie, she'll bury herself in blankets or under anything she can when cameras are near. All of my pets (so far) are dog will go out of her way to be in the pic

So just an update from me!
Neighbors came over and said they where going to make a complaint to the TWP about the ducks. LONG LONG LONG story short they susposably are not now.. but yet their daughters went behind out house with Bionauculars and a cell phone and where taking pics and looking into our house?????????
So now I am on the search for property AWAY from these immature non educated idiots :D
I was told by them " what kind of 19 year old raises ducks??" Apparently I am the only one who raises ducks and I am NUTS for doing it. What ever. They are more associated with 19 years olds and doing drugs. I would rather animals over drugs any day of my life :D So I guess this makes me a bad person...

There is a 10 acre lot that we are looking at.. May request a showing this weekend :D!!!!
You're responsible, working and not worried about partying, that'd throw most people off.
Hopefully you can find some where that is better for you and your "kids."
Just double check the zoning before you put the money into it...It'd suck to buy land and not be able to keep the "kids"
The apron didn't stay on. It did however stop Mr silk from grabbing on her feathers twice. Guess I will try again tmw and make the wing holes a little closer together and a little shorter.

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