Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Ok so went to the local animal health store to get ivomecin, I got the generic pour on! Does it work as well?? Hoping so

Yes!!! It does .1 ml per pound of bird. 5 lb bird is .5 ml and so on.
Rose, you can also put some lotramin (athletes foot cream) on there. You an use baby wipes to wipe it off, then a hair dryer to make sure its dry. You don't want to put the lotramin on wet skin/feathers. Do not use eggs for a couple of days. A more natural thing to use, and won't hurt eggs/chicken is Shapely's MTG. It is a really old formula used by old timer's on the cows/livestock to put on rain rot or goo from the animals being in heat can cause fungal/yeast infections. It is really greasy, so one application, then I would recommend a bath after a couple of days. Dry her bum with the hair dryer. For mild cases I use desitin. I think it also droughts creepy crawlies!
Well she stopped laying, I put Vagasil on her bum after I made sure she was completely dry. I have desitin I can change over to put on her tonight, if you think that is better, i wont be able to get out to any feed stores till Saturday, So I am kinda working with what I got, I think she is sick of me from last night escapades, she stayed in the back area of her cage this morning, just looked at me and went.. buuukuuuuuu... She is sitting a little strange I think, i can see her right foot with her toes curled, like a fist? Poor girl! I am trying!
Well she stopped laying, I put Vagasil on her bum after I made sure she was completely dry. I have desitin I can change over to put on her tonight, if you think that is better, i wont be able to get out to any feed stores till Saturday, So I am kinda working with what I got, I think she is sick of me from last night escapades, she stayed in the back area of her cage this morning, just looked at me and went.. buuukuuuuuu... She is sitting a little strange I think, i can see her right foot with her toes curled, like a fist? Poor girl! I am trying!

Vagasil is fine! Pretty much the same medicine!
Hello & welcome to all New PA Folks!!!

Found this on a site that does funny posts, I thought it was pretty funny and it would fit in here:

** That is hilarious

Peek a Boo! Yeah over 2000 posts to catch up on. Not gonna happen. Shifting a bit of focus. Loving my new additions. A new starter flock of chukars, missing the chicken gals that went to a new larger home at a friends, traded chickens for a pig (his name is porkchop), my quail flock is growing, looking to hatch some quail and pheasants oh and some of the chukar eggs. The marans are all doing well. The hens are laying and they are the most beautiful color, my babies are growing up and looking fantastic from the NYD hatch. Hmmm...what else is there.....switched from OJ to lemonade for the holiday LOL.
peek a boo you!...howa doin?

**Sorry to all of you having troubles w/ the creepy crawlies...
....hope they get "resolved" quickly!! ...
Yep about 40 mins of reading just finished lol

Oh my god that is funny - what a cute lil face too!!

Hope everyone is doing well, it appears so with all the baby talk going on.

Been a busy 2 days here checking up on family back in Oklahoma to make sure they are all safe and accounted for. Thankfully we are lucky and all are fine. It is just so sad what happened, my husband and I were watching the live stream of the our old favorite news station back in Oklahoma and watched the whole horrible thing unfold, I spent most of the time crying after the reports of the schools that were hit and hubby had to take me outside away from the tv to get away from it all. I feel so badly for all of those affected

8 days to go and we will be packing up our 4 year old and driving him to Missouri to hand him over to his grandparents for a fun filled (hopefully tornado free) 2 weeks in Oklahoma, we'll miss him badly but it will be nice to get a bit of us time & go see a bit more of the USA! 21 days till my 6 girls arrive, the coop has been fully cleaned out, their run has had all the long weeds trimmed and the fence is all up and ready to go (all done with no help from hubby either!) ... I can't wait!!!

thumbsup.gif is exciting finally getting chickens myself, about 2months will have so much fun & learn ALOT!!!! There are grear people on here to learn from too!!
So I am bummed today, my favorite bird just started cockledoodledooing. His little brother won't be too far behind. They are an Ameracauna/Rhode Island Red cross. Here are the photos:

Anyone have an interest?
You need a lot more chickens if you have the time to look at each and every bone to see if it is mean!
Barbie, I am sorry.

Just an expression.No need to be biting people's heads off.

BB, I am so very sorry. While I cannot see how that was taken, I do see that it hurt you. Please know that it was meant to make you laugh. I hope you can forgive me for insulting you.
Ok so went to the local animal health store to get ivomecin, I got the generic pour on! Does it work as well?? Hoping so
Yep, the name brand is Ivomec. Ivermectin is the generic & MUCH cheaper. Same stuff, different packaging.

Quote: I posted aprox dosages above.

So I am bummed today, my favorite bird just started cockledoodledooing. His little brother won't be too far behind. They are an Ameracauna/Rhode Island Red cross. Here are the photos:

Anyone have an interest?
Think you are a bit far for me to just rescue a couple roos.

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