Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Yeah my cute summer dress is not cutting it today.. brrr.. Also we are getting out of work early today, and I don't have anything to do time is DRAGGGING!! Can't wait to hit up Davis Feed and pick up some much needed chicken supplies! I think I am going to research mash and see if I can get that going. Noticed some runny poo with my girls.. Spoiled them with those Grains a little to much I think, My friend brews beer, so he brought his grains over, I think I am chalking it up to that, and that they now have there nice run up!! Did i post pics of that? hmmm... I want to clean out there coop too, nice scrub down! Dirty girls!! haha END BABBLE!!
The best is to hatch a clutch yourself and be able to watch the feather growth of each one. Female wings almost always grow rapidly, along with tail feathers, and then shoulder feathers. Judging within the same breed. Your boys will still be looking bald in comparison to the gals. This did prove very wrong for me ONCE with a Barnevelder chick that feathered in slower than the pullets and the roos, and turned out to be a pullet. I guess nothing's 100%? The combs and waddles are obviously better signs, but who wants to wait that long??
Brahmas feather backwards from most breeds from my experience with them. The roos are the fast featherers in brahmas.
Silkie, I really hope you're right!!! I hatched 1 lonely Blue/Gold Partridge Brahma from Sally's eggs, and it is feathering soo...slowly I was positive it was a roo. You've given me renewed hope!
I am so upset right now. I ordered Brahma hatching eggs from an individual that were to be shipped May 20. All I want to do is if I am not available to pick them up at Post office that I will have someone that can. I have been sending them messages to obtain tracking number and if they were shipped. No response. I really want some LF Dark Brahmas. Now I have to start a process to get my funds back. Very unsettling that people do this. Just give me a tracking number or just respond if you have an issue and are late don't ignore people. Sorry I really needed to vent.
I do have a question for Sally.
How long can you go after an egg is laid should it be set? When is to late?
Within 5 days is optimal, but I've set 2 week old eggs before. The older the egg the less viable.
bbbrrrrrr........When did I move to canada ??

I know, right???
Ok, here is my phone vomit post!!! ha ha!! Also Warning, Last image is a close up of my girl cream cycles Vent, with what I think is the starting off Gleet. Feedback welcome on what you think it may be!!

Ok! Here is the run! I found this fencing, The gate is AMAZING! All for FREE on CL!! I only had to buy a few poles, since the guy ended up bending most when he removed the fence from is property.

This is the front of the barn (20ftx20ft) they also have a 1/4 of the inside of the barn for there coop area:

back of the barn, so it wraps around the 1 side and back, Nice size I think!

Here are my Doves I picked up from the Green Dragon Auction! They coo late night and early morning! I hope that means they are happy!

Here is Cream Cycle, She holds her leg up, I think she hurt it going in and out of the run, then the other girls where trying to kill her, So she is safe in the house, all bathed and cleaned up.. Hopefully she gets better soon

After I bathed her, I noticed Flees/Mites on her, I checked her Vent area again to make sure I got rid of all the critters. And notice she was VERY Red in that area and that Yellow Crystaly stuff all around the roots of her feathers, and the big clump there at her Vent, Which she has been treated for, I noticed the big clump was gone last night, I left her be and will check again to night and possibly apply more cream to the area till it is all gone! She is eating and drinking, no egg laying.. I'm sure from the stress of being in the house, her fellow ladies trying to kill her, And all my poking and prodding!! Poor girl!

I think that is all I have with my chickens.. They sure have been keeping me busy!!

now I know most of the young crowd on here will not get this but i am crossing my fingers that today's pain is just from the weather and not a flare has been a long time since I had to get the cane out of the closet just to get around...was gonna try to get to the dragon and pick up a few bunnies, doubt that is gonna though.....


Silkie, I ended up with 2 runner ducks and 10 pekin.....would of been alot more if big brother would of kept his hands out of the bator...,
Good morning everyone. Seems like it will be another rainy day in the Poconos. I got a call from the tick guy. He said it was a female deer tick and it was attached for 3 to 4 hours and we shouldn't worry since the tick would have to be attached for more than 24 hours to get lyme disease.
I know that many believe this, but its just not true. You have a higher LIKELIHOOD the longer its attached, but the moment it attaches you can get lymes. And the tests are only about 60% accurate, and only tells you if antibodies are present. Basically, it says you were exposed and your immune system worked, at some point in your life. So, watch for the symptoms, as that is really the only way to diagnose anyway.

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