Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Off to the ER this morning, lil one tumbled out of bed last night and didn't bother telling me until 10 mins ago that his shoulder was more sore today, upon looking at it he now has a little pokey out bit on his collar bone - wish me luck, I feel like the worst mother in the world
Off to the ER this morning, lil one tumbled out of bed last night and didn't bother telling me until 10 mins ago that his shoulder was more sore today, upon looking at it he now has a little pokey out bit on his collar bone - wish me luck, I feel like the worst mother in the world
Ohh... best of luck at the ER! So sorry the little one is hurting.

Need a little help sexing these.
Ameraucanas. I am thinking from left to right. Hen, Roo, Roo.

This is the one on the right close up.
The close up birdie right above. It has a single comb or some kind of modified straight pea comb. I also see fretting on the feathers. Its like they are shredded, this is a normal, fault on all self-blue/lavs. I think its a pullet. I also am concerned about her skin color. I can't be sure though. If she has yellow foot pads, she has yellow skin. That is concerning. Most breeders used Orps to create Lav AMs. Orps have white skin. You may be able to hide the yellow skin in future generations, just make sure to tell people they can get some yellow skinned birds if they breed to another chicken that has yellow skin in its background.

The one on the right does look like a pullet, and the black is a cockerel. I saw your post last night on the "other" thread. I was just to tired to type. I usually don't go back to post if I already at least have read them, so I am glad you got to post here too!!!

had a post ready n it disappeared. This chick in the Elmo chair was flattened by a water container this morning. It stayed there for 3 hours before I found it. It was FLAT. They truly are resilient!

Fisherlady: I loving the stink eye on that chick! Oh and does Mindy house sit? We would like to go away this summer at some point.

Tweetr, hope you make out ok today. I left my 4 yr old to sleep overnight on a broken arm. Don't beat yourself up, it happens.

had a post ready n it disappeared. This chick in the Elmo chair was flattened by a water container this morning. It stayed there for 3 hours before I found it. It was FLAT. They truly are resilient!

Fisherlady: I loving the stink eye on that chick! Oh and does Mindy house sit? We would like to go away this summer at some point.

Tweetr, hope you make out ok today. I left my 4 yr old to sleep overnight on a broken arm. Don't beat yourself up, it happens.
Hope your little one does OK! They can be tough little buggers sometimes, other times they seem so fragile.

That little one does do the glare quite well! LOL
Mindy loves to house sit, as long as it involves watching chickens! She was MIA for a bit yesterday and I started to look for her, then I checked our coop cam and there she was... our coop is divided into 3 parts by chicken wire... meatie pen, broody pen and layer pen. She couldn't get in to watch her chicks through the regular she went in through the chicken yard, in through the pop door, and was laying in the eggers section watching the babies through the wire. I just left her there, at least she is easy to find when she is outside!
Went to the ER got seen right away even though there was a room full of people, the nurse snuck us out the back way so no one got annoyed (most people there looked hungover anyways), got an xray done - he has a hairline fracture of his collar bone. Even the dr said he was a tough lil guy & not to beat myself up over it - he is outside playing now with me yelling across the yard what seems like every 2 seconds to keep his arm in his sling .... it is going to be a longgggggggggg day!!!
The close up birdie right above. It has a single comb or some kind of modified straight pea comb. I also see fretting on the feathers. Its like they are shredded, this is a normal, fault on all self-blue/lavs. I think its a pullet. I also am concerned about her skin color. I can't be sure though. If she has yellow foot pads, she has yellow skin. That is concerning. Most breeders used Orps to create Lav AMs. Orps have white skin. You may be able to hide the yellow skin in future generations, just make sure to tell people they can get some yellow skinned birds if they breed to another chicken that has yellow skin in its background.

The one on the right does look like a pullet, and the black is a cockerel. I saw your post last night on the "other" thread. I was just to tired to type. I usually don't go back to post if I already at least have read them, so I am glad you got to post here too!!!
It is the lighting the foot pads are white. legs are black. comb is 3 row comb just a little large. Get a few pics and will post them. Only thing I have issues with the feathers so it is a work in progress. Looking for a nice black male. for breeding.
I have another question...
big_smile.png long can you safely keep eggs??, I do put mine in the fridge & date them. Iv'e seen people keep theirs on the counter...I just can't do that
...the fridge is too ingrained in me. ***This is for anyone to answer..Please & Thank You

As for the SafeServe standards ( a food handlers safety program), eggs are good for 5 weeks if stored properly ie 33-45 degrees. As far as the frig goes, we (US) are one of the few countries that require refrigeration of eggs in stores, most countries have theirs on shelves next to the canned goods. If you want long term storage of eggs you would be better off dehydrating them and making powder eggs out of them. Here is a link for that, Here are some other adventures that might appeal to you, they did not to me
Quote: My Dh built me 2 mini coops in my basement. 2 Levels and I put flouresent in for extra light. So, at about 3 weeks they've outgrown the brooder, and get moved to the basement. This way I get a good head start on the pullets for egg laying. Either way, they're inside for too long, and stink to high heavens by the time they go out.
I'm thinking Popeye!!
I have another question...
big_smile.png long can you safely keep eggs??, I do put mine in the fridge & date them. Iv'e seen people keep theirs on the counter...I just can't do that
...the fridge is too ingrained in me. ***This is for anyone to answer..Please & Thank You

As for the SafeServe standards ( a food handlers safety program), eggs are good for 5 weeks if stored properly ie 33-45 degrees. As far as the frig goes, we (US) are one of the few countries that require refrigeration of eggs in stores, most countries have theirs on shelves next to the canned goods. If you want long term storage of eggs you would be better off dehydrating them and making powder eggs out of them. Here is a link for that, Here are some other adventures that might appeal to you, they did not to me
In the fall and winter I can keep them stored in my basement unrefridgerated. I did the float test on many different dates, and the ones over 1 1/2 months were going bad. So, I used that as my guide. It really was neat to do on so many different age eggs, and see the direct effect of age. My basement is warming up now, so I have started putting them all in the fridge. BUT, when in doubt do the float test.
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