Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Are they roaches or those pincher bugs? I get the pincher bugs around the doors and so forth.

So, I am pretty much done with all the rain. My basement has about 5" of water and water came through the outside wall of my home office, ran across the floor and now my family room carpet is soaked. It's still freaking raining! I need French drains but no money for that. Does anyone have an arc I make reservations for?

Got a shovel? You could trench for now and install the drain bits later. Youd be able to channel off the water at the very least.
I am changing my goals. I wanted several pens to allow breeding. Now I just want layers and a bachelor pad, and I don't need ten boys.
If anyone is interested in GLW, or barnyard mix (good chance they are EE) males, please let me know. The mixes are stinkin' adorable and are now 5 weeks and 3 weeks old. The GLW are 14 weeks.

Anyone creative enough to make this? That nest box has me stumped.

Bah that would be the easy part just put it where the back seat was. Or better yet on the back deck with a fold down door to get the eggs. For that matter the engine/front compartment would work the same. How much work you wanna do?
LOL seeing that temps me to bid on some of the old scrappers nextdoor when they have the auction at the end of the month, not like i'd have to move it far hahahahaha
Guess i will be hatching in October... The lady who i got the eggs from that got shipped rough and most haven't made it offered to send me more eggs if i just pay for shipping. Woo Hoo!! I have to say if any one is looking for rare breeds, Juststruttin from CA has been very helpful and easy to work with. So has Debs flock who i got the Isbars from. I think I lucked out finding good breeders who are honest and very helpful. All thanks to BYC. :) hope you all are having a good morning so far. still raining here, yuk. I put a tarp over the run so at least the girls can get outside with out getting drenched. but i have to put braves up under the tarp so the water runs off. hoping it is still standing when i get home...
Maryland Poultry Swap & Farmers Market shared Dru Campbell's photo.

This dog was released to us by a hoarder in Chester County PA. She is a female Pyr, probably 3-5, lots of peach coloring. We think there is a good chance she was stolen, because unlike the other dogs we received from them, she is in immaculate condition, well groomed, not a matt on her. She is housetrained, and she loves to go in the car, she has jumped into several people's cars here; it seem s that she is looking to go home. Please crosspost far and wide; she could have come from somewhere far away from where she ended up. She'll be scanned for a chip tomorrow.

Blarney, this isn't you is it?????
What is everyone's opinion on the farm show in Harrisburg? I have never been there. What is there to do there and what's it all about? Is it buying livestock and things or what. I am looking into going this year and am curious. Thanks!

Farm Show is AMAZING! Not to be missed. Free admission, $10 parking. Lots of animals, exhibits, a ginormous butter sculpture, tons of arena shows, carriage racing, barrel racing, tractor pulls, ect. But our favorite thing...the FOOD. Fried cheese, milkshakes and baked potatoes. The baked potatoes are just that, potato with butter n salt n pepper. I can NOT figure out why they are so irresistible, but they are Maybe they are putting crack in them?
Grdening, nope. My Bella is safe and sound at home, more white than peach in clor.

Oh, wait....are you asking me if I'm the horder?

Seriously, aren't we all hoarders?? I keep waiting for my front door to be kicked in and all of my chickens confiscated.....Just keep watching the evening news....I'm sure one of us will "Be Famous" one day!
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