Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Hey all, I have a question about "worming". We just bought 'Wazine 17". The girls do NOT have worms, but from all I am reading, everyone worms regardless 1-2 times a year. Do I HAVE to do this?
Okay, I have 3 chickens..yeah, yeah, I know..I am working on my numbers
...anyway, they are 1 yr+, 10mnths+ and 11 weeks. What I would like to know is the dosage for this amount of birds...I am giving myself a headache trying to figure it out...and I have been looking all over the different threads on the subject and can't really find the numbers I am looking just wondering if anyone here is "in the know"??

It say on the back of the bottle: over 6 weeks old , for each 100 birds...use 2 fluid ounces in 2 gallons of water.

I am tired, have a headache and not getting math is usually "on" , but....
...I do realize I have to toss eggs for 2 weeks, sad..., so THANK YOU
to anyone who wants to have a project and a headache
So cute!! I miss carving pumpkins with the kids!..just not the same now, doing it by myself...
...maybe I will let the "girls" carve one for me
A couple of them were pecking at them before Gavin began carving them. Might work

BG my crew went bonkers a day ago....lots of its back to usual...I dunno....
Well broody #1 has nice development on the two we checked, I didn't want to disturb her and she was quick to come back. The rest just began yesterday and today, so I'm not gonna get too excited it just yet lol. a kid, we'd do a pumpkin but my mother would save the insides for pumpkin pie at thanksgiving...old school (and the pies were never lacking!)
Same here, only it was at our grandparents' and my gram made them.

If you place a carved pumpkin in the run-------I wonder how long it will be safe for the chickens to peck at..............

I may wait at least a week because its so hot right now the pumpkins might go bad quickly?

what is your experience with pumpkins and chickens you all?
This is our first year, but they love pumpkin. We're going to get one or two a week since Gavin loves carving them, and any they haven't pecked apart will be put in the FF as need be.

I would take the separate the seeds from the "guts"..rinse them, dry, place on a cookie sheets sprinkle w/ a little salt and bake till roasted..have to do alot of taste testing..
, everyone loved them even the dogs!! I want to get a pumpkin

I put a touch of cinnamon, sugar and sea salt on before roasting last year. Gavin gobbled them up.
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Our "Nest and Breakfast"

Peanut (top) and broody #1, she doesn't have a name. Peanut finished her tuna before I could get my camera out lol.

Broody #2, again no name, following her snack of tuna

Broody #1 with her tuna and water.
Broody #3 ran off to eat "normal food" during picture time.
Nope our birds aren't spoiled at all...
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If you place a carved pumpkin in the run-------I wonder how long it will be safe for the chickens to peck at..............

I may wait at least a week because its so hot right now the pumpkins might go bad quickly?

what is your experience with pumpkins and chickens you all?'re assuming they'll last more than a day???? Umm..nope. Carved, or uncarved...they'll take care of them for you. Last year after Halloween I posted on Freecycle that I'd pick up carved or uncarved pumpkins from girls and boys ate them all! They helped themselves to even the ones I had up by the house...hence me not letting the kids get one yet.

I make 2 batches of pumkin seeds, 1 with garlic powder and the other with cinnamon and brown sugar yummy!

I do them with garlic, cayenne, sometimes seasoned salt, though I try to avoid salt. I think I actually have some still in the cupboard.
Thanks for the duck advice, I am going to stick with chickens! Does anyone within 30 minutes of Bucks County have and leftover white exterior paint? Figure I'd give it go here before I bought some. Already found some "clearance" paint at sears for the main coop ($5.97!), just looking for some accent paint. Thanks!
Hi everybody! I just went to a barn sale today and got some great deals, but I started talking to a gentleman there about backyard poultry. He said over and over that ducks are the ways to go as far as egg laying and easiness to keep goes. Anybody have any opinions about this? I still want chickens for sure, but I'm curious if any of you have ducks as well. Do they lay a lot? Are they easier to keep? Thanks!
I love my ducks but would never choose the ducks over the chickens. The personalities are different. My ducks are messy and loud, almost demanding at times. The chickens just go about their day, and come running when I call. I love them both, but would choose the chickens if forced to.

Quote: I do deep pile method. Add DE to your shavings, in the morning after you've let the birds out for the day (to let the dust settle). Dig it in really well, it's awesome for drying up poo and odor control. I only add more about every 2 months or so. My coops don't stink, and I have quite a few birds.

If you place a carved pumpkin in the run-------I wonder how long it will be safe for the chickens to peck at..............

I may wait at least a week because its so hot right now the pumpkins might go bad quickly?

what is your experience with pumpkins and chickens you all?

Last year I let my boys have fun smashing all of my fall gourds and pumpkins around the coops. In maybe a week, they were gone!
Hey all, I have a question about "worming". We just bought 'Wazine 17". The girls do NOT have worms, but from all I am reading, everyone worms regardless 1-2 times a year. Do I HAVE to do this?
Okay, I have 3 chickens..yeah, yeah, I know..I am working on my numbers
...anyway, they are 1 yr+, 10mnths+ and 11 weeks. What I would like to know is the dosage for this amount of birds...I am giving myself a headache trying to figure it out...and I have been looking all over the different threads on the subject and can't really find the numbers I am looking just wondering if anyone here is "in the know"??

It say on the back of the bottle: over 6 weeks old , for each 100 birds...use 2 fluid ounces in 2 gallons of water.

I am tired, have a headache and not getting math is usually "on" , but....
...I do realize I have to toss eggs for 2 weeks, sad..., so THANK YOU
to anyone who wants to have a project and a headache

You can do the Wazine, and should worm for sure, but just the other day I was realizing that fall last year was when my mite epidemic hit, UGH! Gonna kill all the pests with one stone and do the Ivermectin Pour On drops, and be a step ahead. Probably this weekend.
Sorry I've been MIA again...was having a small heart attack....ya'll have heard about this shut-down thing...right?? Well my wedding is scheduled for Army Heritage Canter....federal land. After seeing on the news that 2 poor brides, one for the same date as me, and one for the following weekend were told by Gettysburg that their weddings were cancelled...well...I not so slowly lost my mind. Luckily, my contact at AHEC called me and told me she's not furloughed...and she wants my wedding to happen more than I do!

Here is my outfit from my bachelorette was a blast!
Wowser Missy!
I have missed a lot I see!! You look smashing girl...I'm thinking I may be depriving DH....Maybe I need to get a corset??
Hold on to the fridge for me please. I'll be back up for more feed in about a week, I'm caving in and gonna try a bator... Even though we now have 3 broody hens and the mallard duck is still insisting on trying to be a momma this year.

Will do!

Hi everybody! I just went to a barn sale today and got some great deals, but I started talking to a gentleman there about backyard poultry. He said over and over that ducks are the ways to go as far as egg laying and easiness to keep goes. Anybody have any opinions about this? I still want chickens for sure, but I'm curious if any of you have ducks as well. Do they lay a lot? Are they easier to keep? Thanks!

Anne, I loved my duck eggs and lived on them for months while I was selling/swaping my chicken eggs. But... Ducks are pigs with wings! I have 5 drakes left and all 5 are going in the freezer (I know I have been saying this, but this week I have the $ to get them processed). I can't say I will never own another duck, but I won't own another duck for at least another 6 months. The last 1.5yrs have been enough! Having ducks are totally different than chickens. Of course, chickens are cleaner, no water messes, no mud, no drilling holes in your yard/their pen and no dirty/muddy/poopy birds. Seriously, unless you can free range them on quite a bit of land, don't do it.
"You can do the Wazine, and should worm for sure, but just the other day I was realizing that fall last year was when my mite epidemic hit, UGH! Gonna kill all the pests with one stone and do the Ivermectin Pour On drops, and be a step ahead. Probably this weekend."

We went to TSC..they didn't have the Ivermectin(pour on)...they didn't have alot of things i thought would be obvious, but what do i know
...disappointing really...Going to try to get the dosages figured out today, maybe if I start early enough I will get it

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