Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Where is a teaching hospital? I will be happy with any tests right now. This is our 2nd GI doctor we are dealing with. I say I wish there was a Dr. House and my son says I don't, he usually almost kills his patiences before they get better lol. Then I tell him I will find a psychic to tell me what's wrong , he gets mad. I tell him I'll do anything to make him better!


I think you're best bet imho is U of Penn.....aside from what CC noted there is also Jefferson....hope this also might call your insurance company and mention to them that your second doc is not cutting it...they maybe able to help with a referal....
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This is my suggestion...If at all possible deal with a teaching hospital. The interns are freshest on the strange and unusual book learning and they aren't entrenched in a 'usual testing' mentality. Seems like the older a doctor gets the less they stray from their normal 'comfort zone'.
could not agree with you more!!!!..out of "the-box"...
Where is a teaching hospital? I will be happy with any tests right now. This is our 2nd GI doctor we are dealing with. I say I wish there was a Dr. House and my son says I don't, he usually almost kills his patiences before they get better lol. Then I tell him I will find a psychic to tell me what's wrong , he gets mad. I tell him I'll do anything to make him better!
Jefferson in Philly(Dr. Abrams, Clinical Assistant Professor-Digestive Diseases Dept.,) , also Johns Hopkins in Maryland...Penn U. Hos....
DH had some ham scraps from dinner..i cut them up into small pieces...threw them to the girls...yeah, I should have videoed that one..I think it would have scared some people!!
It really gives you a different look at those creatures!!! what comes to mind...think people should know/see the truth about these birds!!...they are NOT way!!...hahaha...
When that Perdue commercial comes on about how their birds are fed a strictly veggie-diet...yeah, makes me laugh. People just don't know the truth and are fed by propaganda...but I think that is a different thread..hahahha...sorry JMO..hahhaha...

Gavin yells at the TV every time it's on, "What is wrong with them?!?! Chickens love bugs and meat!" I get a kick outta it every time
Not chicken related..I hope this is okay
My baby grand daughter, got to watch her over much fun!!!
Yes, she has 'played' with the chickens..more the chicks, when we had them...she loves animals!!

she is cooking and has a helper...hahaha, those two love each other!
Too cute!! If I didn't know better I'd have thought that was Sophie in the pic. She seems to be doing a tad better, they're going back on the 31st to recheck her hind legs.

Howdy everyone! Ugh this weekend went too quick, but I had to share my new eggs, I just started to get a deep olive colored egg, from my FBCM, ugh... and I have another thats dark brown with spots. Not the color eggs I wanted but they are cool anyway.
All those colors are awesome. I'm looking forward to the other colors we should be getting.

This is my suggestion...If at all possible deal with a teaching hospital. The interns are freshest on the strange and unusual book learning and they aren't entrenched in a 'usual testing' mentality. Seems like the older a doctor gets the less they stray from their normal 'comfort zone'.

Jefferson in Philly(Dr. Abrams, Clinical Assistant Professor-Digestive Diseases Dept.,) , also Johns Hopkins in Maryland...Penn U. Hos....
Geisinger is technically a teaching hospital as well. I almost always have an intern in the room during my appointments.
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Quote: Unfortunately, the neighbors are cousins (and, you are gonna love this ... One married my husband's half brother. That makes her my husband's cousin/sister-in-law/neighbor). They swear they know more about animals than I do, and everything I say is stupid. I admit I recently got some of their chickens laying again (I gave them a dose of Wazine). Anyway, they are not people you want to have animals. Imagine a litter of kittens walking around with maggots crawling out of their eyes. Yup. That happens.

BTW, Hi! Welcome to BYC!!!
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Our new scovy mom Coco

The Chicken mom's took the kids out for a field trip today

The one up front is the one that was in my bra...the one right behind it is the one that got CPR

And the rest of the new scovy family Dad-Jack Skellington, Coco and the dark duckling is Spook. Any fall/halloween suggestions for the two blues? I have the suggestion of Ghost, from FB, for one, but I must run it by the "man of the house" aka Gavin.
Unfortunately, the neighbors are cousins (and, you are gonna love this ... One married my husband's half brother. That makes her my husband's cousin/sister-in-law/neighbor). They swear they know more about animals than I do, and everything I say is stupid. I admit I recently got some of their chickens laying again (I gave them a dose of Wazine). Anyway, they are not people you want to have animals. Imagine a litter of kittens walking around with maggots crawling out of their eyes. Yup. That happens.

BTW, Hi! Welcome to BYC!!!
Yikes...I wouldn't want them to have animals either...

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