Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Any Eastern PA people who would be interested in a free Silkie Roo? We can't keep because of the crowing. :( We are in Morrisville, PA. He's the sweetest roo and likes to be held.
Approx. 3 months old, white.

If not, the breeder will take him back. We just want to send him somewhere he will be treated well.
Thanks in advance!
Awesome coop pics guys!!! We truly do have some very talented people here!! Also , beautiful bird pics too!! Hope everyone had a great weekend!! Sure had been terrific weather wise!

Loving the garden talk and pics..our has really taken off!! Can finally see the plants from the grass clippings. The cantaloupe are questionable right now, we just had so much rain after we planted that i think they got a bit bogged-down...slowly getting better, may need plant e few extras though, just to make sure!
**Stake-did you get your new-plants in yet?

very sad looking ..., there is still hope...,watermelon is to the left doing well.

from top of pic..Potatoes, carrots,beets,onions,garlic...those carrots took forever, and they are popping up in places I did not put them..most likely got dispersed by long as we get some!

Always looking for food, cause they are just "starving"....

one must alway dance is your food in order to appreciate it more!..

Ceasar loves visiting the little ones...

celebrate.gif we just have to get these things in the ground!!! Have to remove the sod and fluff up the dirt a bit..still trying to recover from the last project though...takes a bit longer for muscles to recuperate when the body is older
Please forgive the pic-heaviness of this post..i got a little carried away
Have to rake out the runs today...
, they have finally dried out!! I don't have anything to put in there to help keep the yuck-factor down, too much $$ ...maybe grass clippings...will have the mowing-guy throw them in there today...
hey, who was it that was going to Longwood gardens???.Where are those pics??!!
Have a good one all
I have a trio of african geese for sale. $100.... I am NPIP and AI clean.
Howdy neighbor!
frow.gif, they are beautiful!!...i can't do geese though..i wish..just beautiful!!

Any Eastern PA people who would be interested in a free Silkie Roo? We can't keep because of the crowing. :( We are in Morrisville, PA. He's the sweetest roo and likes to be held.
Approx. 3 months old, white.

If not, the breeder will take him back. We just want to send him somewhere he will be treated well.
Thanks in advance!
sorry, can't do roosters right now...still working on the DH for goats..
smack.gif the bees though!!
Good morning folks!

Well, I am in 'search mode' today.... I have 2 more hens who have gone broody, actually, they just gave up their last broods 5 weeks ago, they are 2 of the 'trio' who raised their chicks together in March....
anyway, I am in search of some White Leghorn hatching eggs. I have a good friend who was unable to find replacements for his aging flock this spring, and he really liked his WLHs. I figure it is a win/win... .my hen gets to hatch out and raise some babies, we get to enjoy watching her for a few weeks and I get to hand over the chicks to him to finish raising when the broody is done!

So anyone have any older stock they have had for a while with known decent health and laying ability? I know I can order 'hatchery eggs' but getting from a known healthy flock is definitely my preference.... and heritage or long established flock is great!

If you have the right eggs, or know someone who does please get in touch with me!
Is anyone familiar with the d'uccle breed? My girl wil be one this summer and as far as I know hasn't laid yet. I'm assuming her eggs will be small. The only small egg I get is from my silkie and that's only one or two a month!
OK, Longwood pics (also on my FB page)
nice!! Thank you...there are some really great things about being down there in that area..all the museums, small shops, barnstormers!!..that is so much fun!!-Baseball, gardens......but living up here is great also..a lot less hectic, much slower paised .
Hen-Bree, the broody that is raising the turkey & meaty chicks has laid her first egg since going broody today!! So excited about getting 5 egg out of 6 chickens again!! Now..still working on Ginger
***.Question about the broody egg, are we able to eat them, or should we give her time to work the "kinks" out again ?? I hope that is not too ridiculous of a question..hee-hee, cause I just don't know?!
Got the runs all cleaned out and turned over..and just in time too!! A wicked-crazy storm just blew through here..OH My Gosh!!
..the dogs were going crazy..poor Ceasar had his tail down to the ground the whole time...a lot of lightning!!
It smells so wonderful outside right now!!
..awesome right after a rain!!
nice!! Thank you...there are some really great things about being  down there in that area..all the museums, small shops, barnstormers!!..that is so much fun!!-Baseball, gardens......but living up here is great also..a lot less hectic, much slower paised .
Hen-Bree, the broody that is raising the turkey & meaty chicks has laid her first egg since going broody today!! So excited about getting 5 egg out of 6 chickens again!! Now..still working on Ginger:/ ....
***.Question about the broody egg, are we able to eat them, or should we give her time to work the "kinks" out again ?? I hope that is not too ridiculous of a question..hee-hee, cause I just don't know?!
Got the runs all cleaned out and turned over..and just in time too!! A wicked-crazy storm just blew through here..OH My Gosh!! :oops: ..the dogs were going crazy..poor Ceasar had his tail down to the ground the whole time...a lot of lightning!! 
It smells so wonderful outside right now!!:love ..awesome right after a rain!! 

The eggs are fine to eat...we had that storm about 2 hours ago. I had 4 broodies out free ranging with 23 chicks and 10 other 'teens' also out with the rest of the flock. Thankfully I saw it coming and got them under cover before it got bad. Was nasty but didn't last too long here.

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