Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

I don't use facebook anymore (too much of a time suck for me) but maybe I will try to put together some type of site/email group. If anyone in York County or anywhere close wants to be part, let me know. We are really trying to do this, as my daughter has three brain tumors and we are committed to eating things that aren't processed etc. Not to mention all the other benefits of eating/shopping locally.

In chicken related news, here is a quick shot of my Dominique broody and her sleepy chicks.

I live in York Co, but the only thing I have to barter are eggs. You could try Craigslist to find someone.
I finally broke down and put some golden laced eggs from my breeder pen under my broody golden laced hen from my laying pen. She has been sitting on eggs for 2 weeks (I kept taking them since they aren't fertile) and won't move. Love the way she growls at me and puffs up all her feathers when I go to check for eggs. She makes me laugh. I hope hatching out some chickies will make her happy!
I finally broke down and put some golden laced eggs from my breeder pen under my broody golden laced hen from my laying pen. She has been sitting on eggs for 2 weeks (I kept taking them since they aren't fertile) and won't move. Love the way she growls at me and puffs up all her feathers when I go to check for eggs. She makes me laugh. I hope hatching out some chickies will make her happy!

When they are really determined the fastest way to get them back to laying is to just let them hatch out a few eggs and raise them. I see folks commenting on the broody threads quite often that they tried to break broodies and it took multiple attempts and they still didn't go back to laying for a few more weeks after that... We just sell or butcher those we don't need. Lossing 4 or 5 eggs a week isn't a big deal, though it does add up when you have 7 or 8 broodies at a time (our coop since about February!
So far she is the only one broody. She took over the favorite box and the others won't lay with her in there. Moved her to another box and hopefully the other hens feel "safe" to go in a lay again. I have 16 mixed chicks in the brooder now. Looks like most will be roosters, they will go to freezer camp. I didn't get any cornish x this year and trying to see how BR and GLW crosses will be for dinner. I also have alot of chicks in my silkie run, 7 silkie chicks and 15 black australorps. Having a hard time sexing them yet. I see some with big red combs so I know I have some roos. Might keep one roo to replace the roo I had in the layer run and lorps are supposed to be friendly and more quiet.
So far she is the only one broody. She took over the favorite box and the others won't lay with her in there. Moved her to another box and hopefully the other hens feel "safe" to go in a lay again. I have 16 mixed chicks in the brooder now. Looks like most will be roosters, they will go to freezer camp. I didn't get any cornish x this year and trying to see how BR and GLW crosses will be for dinner. I also have alot of chicks in my silkie run, 7 silkie chicks and 15 black australorps. Having a hard time sexing them yet. I see some with big red combs so I know I have some roos. Might keep one roo to replace the roo I had in the layer run and lorps are supposed to be friendly and more quiet.
We have a hatchery BA rooster and he is awesome! but... he was 1 of 4 roosters in a hatch. Of the other 3 there were 2 arrogant but not people agressive, though pushy with the hens and with Mindy, and 1 who was decent with people but pushy with the hens. Gabby was a standout when it came to being people friendly and a gentleman with the hens even when he hit his 'hormonal teens' so we opted to keep him and I am glad we did. If we weren't concentrating on the Rocks I would search out some BA hens... and if the Rocks don't work out (still on the fence about the Barred Rocks) then I may still go to BAs.

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