Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

a tip on the slugs . I haven't tried it yet but will be soon. I read somewhere that if you take a tuna can and bury it so that it's level with the ground and fill it with beer. It'll attract slugs. Supposedly they crawl in and die. Good luck!
have heard of the beer thing....i don't have beer..hahaha
...waiting to see if this epsom-salt thing works.....waiting....hahaaha, Thank you for the tip though, i do appreciate the feed back!
have heard of the beer thing....i don't have beer..hahaha
...waiting to see if this epsom-salt thing works.....waiting....hahaaha, Thank you for the tip though, i do appreciate the feed back!

The NPR gardening guy mentioned my memory serves: cut top off beer in ground so top is ground level....put an inch of beer and an inch of water in can,,,,slug craw in and never get out....and beer is cat nip for slugs.....
LMP, no, that is my house. Posted the pic to show the colors we are using. And now I think I know where you are talking about for the TSC. Yay for competition.

Your home is beautiful!,

HOWDY MY CHICKEN PEEPS!!!! Miss me?!?! :frow

Looking for Peking Hatching eggs... Or another Duck they would stay close by. My Pekin is an awesome girl that stays in the yard. 

Hi Rose! I missed you. I need eggs soon but I amount of town until Thursday.
Anne: Great!! I'll have some eggs ready for you, also the purple passion has roots now, so I'll have that planted for you as well :)

Anyone, Pekin hatching eggs?! I Barter, I bake ask Wing! Lol OH! Wing any hatching eggs? Or yummy processed chickens?
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Hi everybody! Hope you all enjoyed the sunshine today! I had some sad news today. As I driving on the turnpike on my way to vacation, my neighbor called me to tell me that her dog had killed one of my chickens. It was not their fault because it was my chicken that always sneaks into the neighbors yards. She was very nice and offered to buy a bag of feed, but I told her it wasn't necessary but she could pay for the chicken if she liked. (I'm not upset with her or her dogs at all, it was my stupid chickens fault.).

So question to all of my NEIGHBORLY :D chicken keepers.... I will be headed back down the Northeast Extension on Thursday, and I would love to make a detour if someone has around a 15 week old or so hen for sale. I am not picky, I just would like one around that age that is a fairly decent layer. Please help, I really would like to have 5 hens again. :fl
The sad part is that I had a good relationship with my neighbor I'm not sure why she didn't talk to us about her concerns. My boyfriend went to Code Enforcement today and they told him that they will not follow up on it but if we could at least re-home the Mallards that would be helpful. He also suggested "but without really saying", my Pekins can belong to another family member but stay with me, in other words I can't own more then one but if the other ducks belong to someone else then whose to say.... . And finally, he asked were the Pekins considered Therapy Pets, "BINGO", yes they are or at least that what my physician is going to put in writing.

Speaking of, can I have suggestions on the most economical way to buy canning jars? I've looked on craigslist but didn't find much.
If you belong to a church, or the local VFW or other organization that has friendly elderly folks, put the word out that you are looking to buy canning jars. Chances are good that several folks have them, don't use them any more and would love for them to have a good home where they will be used.

so we are just in from the Penn State main campus. Happy to say that after much preparation, the kids did really well at the Poultry Judging competition and I couldn't be any prouder.
Yay, Blarney's kiddos! Good job!

so now back to the MUDDY SMELLY RUN problem
........I am thinking this is going to be an ongoing problem unless I have a covered run.
Uncovered runs are a mess. Most of mine are covered, except for the ducks. They reek. Straw layered with powdered limestone, aka 'barn lime' helps keep the smell down. Fisherlady's suggestion of gravel is probably the best solution for uncovered runs. Anything organic will end up stinking, although you can end up with lots of compost pretty quickly, of you keep emptying out the wet bedding into a pile.

There have been a couple broody hens here, and today, two of them were out of the nests, with two babies. Still one more hen on a nest with eggs.

It's been a bad year for hatching turkeys. Out of 40ish eggs in 3 different batches, I finally had one poult hatch yesterday. Today, it was dead in the brooder. I have terrible luck with hatching heritage turkeys, and hatching has generally been poor this year. I guess I'll be philosophical and think of how much I'll be saving by not buying so much feed.

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