Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

I went out and checked on my broody this morning. I found an egg shell, and then I heard PEEPING!!!! One so far! @troyer The one chick looks black and white or beige, hard to tell, it was still drying! Best Christmas gift ever!!!

Well if it's black and white, this is most likely his father as the black and white ones often turn out similar to this, not always this flashy, but a variation of this color.

and the pullets often turn out like this, with some variation of white in the plumage.
Well, heck! I haven't gotten any eggs lately either! Darn dog! :))
We hauled a load of "chicken carcasses w/ head and some skin" a few days ago. I couldn't believe how much stuff leaked out of the trailer!

well...that is disturbing!
sickbyc.gif, if I never see THAT again, it will be too soon!!
Glad to hear from you girl
...Hope your Merry is very

I went out and checked on my broody this morning. I found an egg shell, and then I heard PEEPING!!!! One so far! @troyer The one chick looks black and white or beige, hard to tell, it was still drying! Best Christmas gift ever!!!

Merry Christmas from Bridget, Serena, Mabel, Colleen, Niko, and Vicki.
The sun is out here!!

Merry Christmas to all my BYC family!

Just the DH & myself till Saturday, it is nice though. We are going to the movies tonight to see "The Five Armies"..the last "Hobbit" movie..we are nerds
..hahaha, it will be in 3D!! Hoping I can handle it..hahaha
When everyone gets back on here we should have a "present show off session"..hahahaha...I want to show off some of the things I got..I know you all will appreciate them more than anyone else I know!
Well if it's black and white, this is most likely his father as the black and white ones often turn out similar to this, not always this flashy, but a variation of this color. and the pullets often turn out like this, with some variation of white in the plumage.
Thanks! It looks like one more cracked open and another one is zipping. The one that was cracked open was being stepped on by my broody's sister who was trying to lay an egg. :smack. Hopefully, it will make it. So I kicked her out, put everyone under mama hen, and shut the door. No more interruptions in the hatching suite!
:frow ..[COLOR=800000]MERRY CHRISTMAS!!...[/COLOR] [COLOR=800000]The sun is out here!![/COLOR] [COLOR=B22222]MERRY CHRISTMAS TO EVERYONE!!! Have a great day![/COLOR] Just the DH & myself till Saturday, it is nice though. We are going to the movies tonight to see "The Five Armies"..the last "Hobbit" movie..we are nerds:p ..hahaha, it will be in 3D!! Hoping I can handle it..hahaha:old ...... When everyone gets back on here we should have a "present show off session"..hahahaha...I want to show off some of the things I got..I know you all will appreciate them more than anyone else I know!:highfive:
Awesome! Just a recommendation, my DH saw the Hobbit with his sister the other night in 3D and they said they really thought it was terrible in 3D. They felt it would have been much better on the regular screen. Just wanted to give you a heads up. Maybe check out some reviews? One of my christmas gifts from my DH. :love

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