Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Just came back in from doing my coop chores. Today was the first time I've noticed any signs of a predator (besides summer time hawks). The whole way around both coops/runs and even on top of them were little foot prints. Looked like raccoon
obviously he couldn't find a way to get in since all my birds were fine but he must've been out there sometime this afternoon. It's a bit nerve racking.

in other news, my broody is starting to check out the nest boxes again. She was in and out about 4 times while I was out there doing stuff. Her babies are all pretty much self sufficient now being about 9 weeks old. They only snuggle with her at night now. Little Wynter is quite a live wire already. I watched him try to beat one of the 15 week old girls down in the pecking order. Both of them went at each other feet first. He's still too little to kick butt yet lol.
I have raccoon and opossum that come around the fence all the time. They could get in if they really want to, but they have not yet. Little foot prints go all around it a few times a week, been that way since back in March. The only chickens I have lost to predators besides dogs is three to a fox and her kits while free ranging in the middle of the day.
My thought for the day:
Never name a chick "Lola". I gave a young hen to a friend and his wife named her Lola. Fast forward 3 months and Lola is crowing, true to her/his name.

(for anyone too young to get the reference - google "Lola lyrics Kinks")
They just seem terrified of me, I can't even look at them without sending them into a fit. None of my other breeds have acted anywhere near this way.

I have a brown that I adopted...she is smaller than most of the birds and has some type of infirmity walking....(still gets around), but she is skiddish at every movement I make...runs away when I try to hand feed her and runs if I toss scratch towards her....go figure that one....
They just seem terrified of me, I can't even look at them without sending them into a fit. None of my other breeds have acted anywhere near this way.

If you decide to try again in the future, leghorns really are very flighty in the beginning. They will calm down once they get older. Like four or five months. Mine were a nightmare as peeps. I know if I ever get them again, they will be broody raised.
On the subject of keeping the feathers from roosters, will the feed additive salt work....can get easily at tsc in 50 pound bags.

DH has used Kosher Pickling salt with good results, I don't know what all is in the feed additive salt.... basically the intent is for it to be used as a desiccant or dryer, if you have a skin with a common feather color to use as a test hide I would give it a try, though a 50lb bag would probably last you for quite a few years! LOL

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