Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

How big are Sebastopol geese? I have looked at them for a while but my aunt has toolouse geese and they are soooo mean I don't want that on my farm and they are soo big. I don't think Sebastopol geese become mean do they?
My cousin has a group of Sebastopols and they are all mean to the point she has to take a stick in with her to collect eggs. I don't get why she likes them. I'm not a fan of geese in general, but if I got them, I'd get cheap ones so they could be sold for meat if they turned mean.
That's weird! Sebbies and Toulouse are supposed to be friendly. I've never had a problem with any of ours, but then again, I don't tolerate nasty behavior. If you're mean, you get eaten here. I refuse to keep or even give away or sell a mean animal. I NEVER allow a problem animal to leave our place to become someone else's problem.
I recently won an auction for some Ayam Cemani eggs....sure hope they hatch, I only got 6 and the air cells were a bit of a mess when they arrived. The good news is that they came with a dozen mystery eggs, some marked 'orp' some marked 'RB' rhode bar? And some unmarked....hmmmm

That is super exciting! Please keep us updated! I would love to have a few of these in the future! Was that an eBay auction? :D
Had given my nephew some eggs and an incubator to watch for an easter hatch. One chick was hatched and the kids were going outside to play. His 7yo didn't want the chick to be lonely, so he put a friend next to the incubator to keep it company.


That's adorable! I love how they think sometimes!
So today I bought some blue pond dye from TSC because it looked cool and I am tired of a green pond. I mean I have a filtration system that works for about a month but might as well make it blue! This stuff is terrible! I mean the pond is blue but so is the floor of my shop and my muck boots are now a shiny blue! So I went to poor my 1/4th teaspoon of this blue stuff that would make my pond blue and split a bit on my shoes. Like really only a drop but when I went to wipe it off it just went all over my boots! So then I go to walk to the pond in my blue shoes and I spill the 1/4th teaspoon of this blue stuff on the floor. No big deal, so I get a mob to clean it up and the blue stuff spreads ALL OVER! Now about a 3 ft by 3ft area of the cement floor in my shop is deep blue! Sorry for the rant but anyone have any ideas to remove the blue?
So today I bought some blue pond dye from TSC because it looked cool and I am tired of a green pond. I mean I have a filtration system that works for about a month but might as well make it blue! This stuff is terrible! I mean the pond is blue but so is the floor of my shop and my muck boots are now a shiny blue! So I went to poor my 1/4th teaspoon of this blue stuff that would make my pond blue and split a bit on my shoes. Like really only a drop but when I went to wipe it off it just went all over my boots! So then I go to walk to the pond in my blue shoes and I spill the 1/4th teaspoon of this blue stuff on the floor. No big deal, so I get a mob to clean it up and the blue stuff spreads ALL OVER! Now about a 3 ft by 3ft area of the cement floor in my shop is deep blue! Sorry for the rant but anyone have any ideas to remove the blue?

I have no practical experience, but I bet bleach will remove the blue. Or maybe you should just add some more and enjoy the blue colored floor. Take pictures and post about it in FB and Pinterest and you might start a new trend for people to buy the stuff just to dye their concrete floors.
I recently won an auction for some Ayam Cemani eggs....sure hope they hatch, I only got 6 and the air cells were a bit of a mess when they arrived. The good news is that they came with a dozen mystery eggs, some marked 'orp' some marked 'RB' rhode bar? And some unmarked....hmmmm


A big congrats...very rare'll be the envy of Chester Co.....
I have no practical experience, but I bet bleach will remove the blue. Or maybe you should just add some more and enjoy the blue colored floor. Take pictures and post about it in FB and Pinterest and you might start a new trend for people to buy the stuff just to dye their concrete floors.
Haha I will have to take photos.. You know blue IS my favorite color... My arms where covered and a drop flew into my eye and it looked kinda cool to have the bottom of my eye blue.. Dont worry it said that if you get it in your eye remove by wetting a q-tip with eye makeup remover and then wipe it out.

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