Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Wishing you all a SAFE and Happy NEW YEARS, May the new sun of the new year bring Joy and happiness to you and your loved ones!



Next year IS going to be awesome!!, I've decided to keep my husband and divorce my in-laws! Sounds great in theory, but technically, may be a little difficult... Perhaps I need an attorney? Or better yet, a Priest who knows how to perform an exorcism. . :lol:
I'm so glad I have a broody right now. Mom passed away about a month ago, and tonight Dad is in the hospital with an infection in his arm. I need some cute chicks to cheer me up!

Bless your heart Anne! I am sorry to hear that! I've been off of here for a bit, computer problems, life problems...same 'ol same ' you and your father are in my prayers....I hope you have a wonderful New Year!
Prayers up, Anne.

In egg news, there were 2 today. So Niko and someone else are back to laying. I just wish who ever is laying on the porch would get her fluffy little butt to the proper spot. And whooo boy, those two roos are rooing. If one of the girls gets broody, I'll have a nice barnyard mix to hatch.
Happy New Year to all the peeps here!

The chickens are really starting to lay well here. I hope the upcoming cold spell doesn't stop that. I checked the first 3 Beilefelder eggs as they are ready for lockdown and all 3 are clear. All 11 Reese Legbar eggs set the same time are all well developed, so I have to conclude these were just not fertile. I hope that changes and the others I have cooking will develop.

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