Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

I have a path in the garden made of flagstone. And concrete steps. They were icy today. I want to put ice melt stuff down so I don't kill myself. Is that safe for the flock? Or should I just get a bag of sand?

Edit - I see there's pet safe versions for sale. This is just the standard ice melt that I already have. What do you guys use?

Ice melt is either sodium chloride or calcium chloride (or maybe a mix of both). The calcium chloride is pet safe and plant safe. I don't think that bird's feet are as sensitive as dog/cat paws, and I doubt that they would eat more than 1 piece of either and we know salt is not toxic in and of itself, but too much is damaging to any organism, plant or animal.

Calcium chloride also works better (down to lower temps) but is more expensive.
what I have is the calcium chloride stuff. As I recall, we got it because it was better than salt for the sidewalk and plants out front. I put it in an old kitty litter bucket and got rid of the original bag/label, so I am going by old memory here. Good to know the kids will be ok with it and I only have to worry about tripping over them and not slipping on ice.
@dhetzel and anyone else on the chicken train route... I will be home for Easter in March sans Hubby (meaning I can run around transporting chickens because he's not along to get annoyed by pit stops... It sounded a little inappropriate at first, lol). I am hopefully bringing a dresser back to Pittsburgh with me so I won't have tons of room for big crates, but I'm planning on bring some chicks home for myself if anyone else wants to get in on this run.
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@dheltzel and anyone else on the chicken train route... I will be home for Easter in March sans Hubby. I am hopefully bringing a dresser back to Pittsburgh with me so I won't have tons of room for big crates, but I'm planning on bring some chicks home for myself if anyone else wants to get in on this run.

Easter is early this year (3/27). Since we are meeting up anyway, if anyone in that direction wants chicks (or hatching eggs) they can let me know and I'll get a list of what needs to be put into the incubator so the right chicks are hatched for everyone.
@dheltzel and anyone else on the chicken train route... I will be home for Easter in March sans Hubby. I am hopefully bringing a dresser back to Pittsburgh with me so I won't have tons of room for big crates, but I'm planning on bring some chicks home for myself if anyone else wants to get in on this run.

Easter is early this year (3/27). Since we are meeting up anyway, if anyone in that direction wants chicks (or hatching eggs) they can let me know and I'll get a list of what needs to be put into the incubator so the right chicks are hatched for everyone.

I'll be in SC over Easter this year. We're in the middle of moving down there. Warmer weather, barely any snow, 2 hours from the beach...
@dhetzel and anyone else on the chicken train route... I will be home for Easter in March sans Hubby (meaning I can run around transporting chickens because he's not along to get annoyed by pit stops... It sounded a little inappropriate at first, lol). I am hopefully bringing a dresser back to Pittsburgh with me so I won't have tons of room for big crates, but I'm planning on bring some chicks home for myself if anyone else wants to get in on this run.

I will have turkey poults available for anyone along the route that wants any.
Hello everybody! What do I feed turkey poults? They should be hatching tomorrow or maybe even tonight. Can I just give them chick starter? Or is flock raiser better? Thanks! Fingers crossed!

Is use the same 20% chick starter I give chicks, though technically they are supposed to have a higher protein, like "gamebird starter". I used the TSC gamebird starter some last year, but it got too much and I couldn't tell any difference in the poults. Perhaps the heritage breeds are more tolerant of low protein, just like broiler chicks need a higher protein starter than normal chicks.
Hello everybody! What do I feed turkey poults? They should be hatching tomorrow or maybe even tonight. Can I just give them chick starter? Or is flock raiser better? Thanks! Fingers crossed!

I typically use a 22% protien for everyone in the flock from poults to laying hens. Occasionally I'll give the poults some scrambled eggs in the first couple days or so if they look like they need a boost. Other than that, it seems to work out fine.
Hello everybody! What do I feed turkey poults? They should be hatching tomorrow or maybe even tonight. Can I just give them chick starter? Or is flock raiser better? Thanks! Fingers crossed!
I use flock raiser or chick starter. i *think* both are 20%. lately it's been flock raiser for everything, just to keep it simple. I've only ever raised heritage breed. I don't use medicated feed for any of my birds. I generally throw a little dirt/grass in the brooder after the first couple days to grow immunity. Not that I could find any dirt or grass right now. My poor dog keeps trying to dig down to dirt then looks at me like

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