Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Goat shelters are relatively easy. Far easier than a good coop, IMO.

Fencing is a whole different matter. Lots and lots of sturdy fencing, "fencing that can hold water" and you're getting close to enough. I have cattle panels with 5 foot wire all attached to 4-6 inch treated posts placed 8 get apart. Most of the posts also have horizontals at 50 inches to which I attached the cattle panels and fencing. Hot wire going in soon as well, to and bottom.

My smallish dry lot cost almost $1000, but has, so far, contained them. The shelter was already there, I converted a shed.

Feed is relatively cheap, mostly hay when there is no browse available. Right now I'm using fresh cut grass from my field, I let it grow to about 10-12 inches that make a couple passes with the mower and collect it. This weekend I start putting fencing around my wooded area, probably close to 800-1000 feet (or more) of multistrand hot wire.

Darn animals are work.

Yeah fencing them in is a different story.
@hippiechickX4, here's a marans foot next to the JG foot. Sorry, the rain is making for some dirty chicken feet! But you can see how clear the difference is

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