Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Thanks! I'm going to be leaving this township soon (hopefully!) anyways, so I'm not too concerned. I will be looking for chicken friendly locations for my next home! I agree with your Dad, its so annoying dealing with townships that have goofy regulations. I think our township is similar too, that you are required to have 5 or 10 acres to have chickens.
I only inquired originally because of the size of the coop. The tax people like to know what type of structures you have on your property. The assessment people can raise questions with certain structure types. They would probably think it was a large shed or garage. Building permits needed if constructed on the property, other permits if hauled in etc...... I understand the need for zoning to keep a couple thousand chicken facility from operating in a residential neighborhood. But preventing someone from having a couple chickens to get eggs or for meat, is a little controlling. It probably comes from an overall lack of knowledge of the entire situation from township officials. Good luck with the move!
I send mine outside about 4 weeks old in early spring still getting a little cold outside and at night. And I then days I it gets colder out I bring them in for the night. I have 10 chickens out there about that age now.
Baby coturnix quail are so tiny and cute! I'm hatching them for a friend, so I only have them for a bit. I've had them in the past, but I forget just how small they are.

In other news, I got the first egg from the Jill Reese Legbars I hatched back in November. It was a surprise, I had forgotten how old they had gotten, but the oldest ones just hit 6 months. Guess I need to put a nest box in there now.
Hello I'm fairly new to Backyard chickens and this would be my first post in the Pennsylvania area beings that I am from Clearfield PA. I have spoken with motorcycle chick and mentioned to her that I was getting a small Coop from Tractor Supply. I ordered 3 Rhode Island Reds from Agway and they are supposed to be female pullets. I have noticed that two of them are developing wing and tail feathers simultaneously. Whereas the runt is barely growing wing feathers and no tail feathers at all. Could anybody possibly explain this to me. They all seem healthy beings they are 9 days old and eating very well. Thank you Butch I tried uploading photos but my smartphone is not so smart and backyard chicken apps keeps crashing

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