Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

That's tempting
So i have a total of 22 chickens, 8 silkies and 14 large fowl, at this time (10 weeks old) i know I have at least 3 silkie roos (straight run batch) the regular chicks are supposed to be all female, basically, what I need to know is how many silkie roos could I plan on keeping around?


I posted these in another thread but I was curious if anyone here has any opinions on the sex of Pizza, our lil' Easter Egger. My wife is convinced it is a roo because of the saddle feathers. Thanks in advance!
The coop pictured is from TSC. It is a nice coop, and my girls are doing okay now, but it will not be big enough for them for long. If we were free ranging and the flock would be outside most of the day, it would work for roosting. In our case, we have 8 birds we aren't free ranging and so are building a large run extension. Your 3 would probably remain comfortable for some time, but if you aren't looking to add more square footage at some point, I certainly wouldn't fill the coop any fuller!!

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