Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Today on As the Coop Turns....Ebony, furious that Ana's babies resemble her, abandons her own nest and challenges Ana for maternal rights. Ana, angry that Ebony is trying to steal her babies, is standing her ground, claiming the babies for herself. The babies are in a state of confusion knowing that they hatched under Ana, but Ebony speaks their language. Who will get the rights to be mom? Will they split the babies and go their separate ways? Will they work together? Only time will tell lol

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I can't wait for the next episode!!!!!!!
Today on As the Coop Turns....Ebony, furious that Ana's babies resemble her, abandons her own nest and challenges Ana for maternal rights. Ana, angry that Ebony is trying to steal her babies, is standing her ground, claiming the babies for herself. The babies are in a state of confusion knowing that they hatched under Ana, but Ebony speaks their language. Who will get the rights to be mom? Will they split the babies and go their separate ways? Will they work together? Only time will tell lol

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Love the last picture! It tells the whole story :cool:
Sooo.....I finally got two long time grail hens--a beautiful Cream Crested Legbar and an stunning ebony Ameraucana--the real deal--not an EE!
I even got two BLUE eggs within 24 hours of putting them in the run!
I was one HAPPY HAPPY human!
The Ameraucauna was especially so sweet and docile--eating out of my hand immediately--you could tell she came from a great animal loving original home.

Last evening, as it was getting dark, I went outside to help the newbies into the henhouse. All my old girls had already tucked in; I found the Legbar roosting on top of the Chicken playpen , but the Ameraucana...where the heck was she? I combed the henhouse and got my husband and son to help me look for a black hen in the fading light.
Not in the run.
Not on the neighbor's property to the left.
Not on the roof of the other neighbors' converted barn to garage, which is behind the privacy fence that is part of my chicken run fence.
Not IN that garage either.
Or under the cars.
Not under the lilacs or peonies.
Not under the hosta.
Not tangled in the lily leaves.
Not in the front yard.
Not heading to State Street (I asked a couple who was walking past our house in that direction. They giggled.)
I was starting to get queasy from fright.
She wasn't exactly replaceable, and SUCH a sweetie pie.

"I found her!" My husband yelled.
She was perched in the cherry tree which overhangs the run--10 feet in the air. We must have walked under her a dozen times without a cluck or a poop on our heads to help us find her.
NONE of my portly layers would even ever DREAM of going in a tree.

Two more blue eggs today....
...and some black feathers from where I trimmed her wings!

I have two blue laying black sex-links from Dennis that can FLY. They were named Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum because of their troublemaking antics. I raised my plastic net fence to about 8ft high and they STILL made it over the fence. They've been locked in the coop since last Fall as I ripped apart and rebuilt the run for better predator protection. Getting ready to let them loose again and in worried about how to keep the Tweedles contained. I dont want to net over the top of the run, but I'm afraid they'll be able to fly up and perch on the top of this 8ft steel fence. Any ideas to stop them from doing that?
Today on As the Coop Turns....Ebony, furious that Ana's babies resemble her, abandons her own nest and challenges Ana for maternal rights. Ana, angry that Ebony is trying to steal her babies, is standing her ground, claiming the babies for herself. The babies are in a state of confusion knowing that they hatched under Ana, but Ebony speaks their language. Who will get the rights to be mom? Will they split the babies and go their separate ways? Will they work together? Only time will tell lol

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Loving the story! Knowing Ana's history this will be interesting!
I have two blue laying black sex-links from Dennis that can FLY. They were named Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum because of their troublemaking antics. I raised my plastic net fence to about 8ft high and they STILL made it over the fence. They've been locked in the coop since last Fall as I ripped apart and rebuilt the run for better predator protection. Getting ready to let them loose again and in worried about how to keep the Tweedles contained. I dont want to net over the top of the run, but I'm afraid they'll be able to fly up and perch on the top of this 8ft steel fence. Any ideas to stop them from doing that?
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Clip their wings---I hate doing it, but it works. You need someone to hold the chicken and a good scissors. Make sure the chicken is not molting--you don't want to cut a blood feather. (If you do you have to pull it all the way out with a pliers and apply styptic.) Just cut the primaries (longest ones) on one wing. If I have a real trouble maker I do both.
I lost a chicken who hopped the fence to my dog--that was a worse feeling than clipping wings.

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