Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Sad day today. Rory, age 4 just up and died. She hadn't been laying for a while but they do that. I'm not going to do an autopsy or anything, I figure if you have live stock, you have dead stock. Everyone else seems alert and feisty. I'm getting 2-3 eggs a day from the remaining 4 that do lay - Cate, my Marans, hasn't laid in a long long time but she never was a prolific layer and her shells were always super fragile. Mabel is the only one remaining from the original store bought. Jaebels is the only one "bred" here on the property. Laverne, Shirley, and Clyde are the Ameracaunas from Dennis. I need need NEED to get to the hardware/lumber/Lowes store to get supplies to expand the run, now that I can go out again. Dennis, do you do large breed or only bantam now?
I was sitting at the fire with my husband the other night and we kept hearing this shrill screeching. Which, after my 2nd glass of wine sounded very very much like a hurt kitten. The dogs were going crazy. So we trecked out into the field where the run off is and were waist deep in grass, we get the ‘kitten’ surrounded and I realize... it’s a SKUNK. Yikes!! I’m like.... ‘Abort! Abort!!’ We did get away without getting sprayed and even managed to get the dogs inside until the ‘kitten’ could go on its way. I don’t know about the rest of you, but I could practically write a book about the stupid things I have done after having a little too much wine during this epidemic.
Sad day today. Rory, age 4 just up and died. She hadn't been laying for a while but they do that. I'm not going to do an autopsy or anything, I figure if you have live stock, you have dead stock. Everyone else seems alert and feisty. I'm getting 2-3 eggs a day from the remaining 4 that do lay - Cate, my Marans, hasn't laid in a long long time but she never was a prolific layer and her shells were always super fragile. Mabel is the only one remaining from the original store bought. Jaebels is the only one "bred" here on the property. Laverne, Shirley, and Clyde are the Ameracaunas from Dennis. I need need NEED to get to the hardware/lumber/Lowes store to get supplies to expand the run, now that I can go out again. Dennis, do you do large breed or only bantam now?
I'm very sorry to hear about Rory, it is always difficult but is part of keeping livestock. I know you provided her a happy home, keep the good memories you made with her close and think of all of the things you learned from your time with her. :hugs
Sad day today. Rory, age 4 just up and died. She hadn't been laying for a while but they do that. I'm not going to do an autopsy or anything, I figure if you have live stock, you have dead stock. Everyone else seems alert and feisty. I'm getting 2-3 eggs a day from the remaining 4 that do lay - Cate, my Marans, hasn't laid in a long long time but she never was a prolific layer and her shells were always super fragile. Mabel is the only one remaining from the original store bought. Jaebels is the only one "bred" here on the property. Laverne, Shirley, and Clyde are the Ameracaunas from Dennis. I need need NEED to get to the hardware/lumber/Lowes store to get supplies to expand the run, now that I can go out again. Dennis, do you do large breed or only bantam now?
Sorry for your loss. I believe Dennis has both large fowl and bantam Ameracaunas.
Hello, popping in again.

I don't think I ever got an answer but can anyone tell me what kind of regular worming schedule I should be using for my birds? They all seem healthy but I probably should worm them to be sure. What kind of wormer, how much, how often? Thanks!
For anyone interested, the first livestock swap of the season at Tractor Supply in Duncansville will be this Saturday, June 6th from 8am-1pm! I'm super excited to get back to the swaps :) I bought one of those canopy things for some shade this year and will have hen saddles and pet tutus there. My daughter has created "Katelyn's Poultry Pleasers" flock treats too lol

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