Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Well that will make it hard to get goose eggs. Maybe you'll get a muscovy-goose cross?

I think that would be awesome! I will be trying to hatch Ebony's eggs to see what happens. Since she lost her muscovy mate this winter, if anything would develope, they would be definite hybrids. She's getting up there in age though so we'll see how many eggs she actually gives me this year.
WING!!! :love :love :frow:frow..Hello, it has been forever!
just saying HI!
Hope everything is well!!
I pop on here and read up quite often but very seldom comment.
I now live a lot closer to all of you in the center of the state, I guess you could say I have become an old anti social hermit since moving here to the mountain.

And a Hello to all the newbies that I do not know, welcome to the chicken world.
I pop on here and read up quite often but very seldom comment.
I now live a lot closer to all of you in the center of the state, I guess you could say I have become an old anti social hermit since moving here to the mountain.

And a Hello to all the newbies that I do not know, welcome to the chicken world.

Wing! I didn't even notice that was you lol. Great to "see" you again! How is life at the new place?
I pop on here and read up quite often but very seldom comment.
I now live a lot closer to all of you in the center of the state, I guess you could say I have become an old anti social hermit since moving here to the mountain.

And a Hello to all the newbies that I do not know, welcome to the chicken world.
well, you ARE closer to me then!! hahaha thought I was the oddball out for a long time, hahaha!!
Am kinda "up here", but I think there are some a little close to my altitude LOL!!:lau:bun
Hope your enjoying the mountains, they are wonderful.
It is very easy to become recluse here, doing your own thing.
Nothing wrong with that!
As to the "old", I resemble that comment..LOL!!:old, nothing wrong with THAT either!! hahaha!!
Give a shout anytime Wing!:pop:love
LMP, I wave at you every time I go thru your town. Which is even more often since we added Potter County to our coverage area. If you need someone to help fill out the needed quota of big birds - I do love a buff orp - let me know. I'm sure I can squeeze one or two in.
Hey Sally! Haven't heard from you for a long time. I have a line of Blue/Black Copper Marans that lay very dark eggs. The new pullets are starting to lay a little, maybe 4 to 6 eggs a week now. This pic is from the eggs their mothers laid as pullets last December. I don't turn on the lights to lengthen the days until late December, so the hens that laid these are taking a hiatus now, hopefully they start up in January or February.
I am not turning the incubator back on until January, maybe later, but I can give you some eggs now if you want to incubate. I tell people buying eggs to keep the humidity low (in the 30's) until lockdown. Even then most people find them harder to hatch.
Send me a PM when you are ready for eggs or chicks.
View attachment 3342622
Wow those are gorgeous! I found your website after looking for cream legbars. I saw your post about your chick waiting list being 50+ deep 😩. Do you sell hatching eggs for pick up? And how far out is the wait for those?
Wow those are gorgeous! I found your website after looking for cream legbars. I saw your post about your chick waiting list being 50+ deep 😩. Do you sell hatching eggs for pick up? And how far out is the wait for those?
Don't worry. 50+ people is not as bad as it looks like. He sometimes hatches several hundreds of birds one time. :cool: It's still early, and he will have much more eggs and chicks from March to June.
I pop on here and read up quite often but very seldom comment.
I now live a lot closer to all of you in the center of the state, I guess you could say I have become an old anti social hermit since moving here to the mountain.

And a Hello to all the newbies that I do not know, welcome to the chicken world.
I used to work at Lewistown and still have some friends live at McVeytown. Very nice view there. Bad cell phone signal though.

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