
I was born in Beaver Falls PA but moved to Oregon when I was a child. We went back for a visit last year and had the most awesome steak sandwiches, then we ran around the football and baseball stadiums and down town Pittsburg. Great place to visit. We had a really good time seeing the old stomping grounds.
I am on the OH/PA line near Sharon - Nice to have folks close Saw something about you guys having a Football team across the line there ----but being a Bills fan I can never remember the name of your team
palabeco, sc PA here, but life long Steelers fans!!!! We terribly miss Jerome, but Ben is maturing and healing, Troy is as awesome as ever, Hines is always great, and Tomlin is doing a great job. Each game one of my bulldogs wears his Steelers jersey and we bring out the towels. We have a huge banner hanging off the front of the house. So, yes, I hear you!


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