People ever give you a hard time about...

I like you.

I must say, as I was reading your earlier post, I was thinking the very same thing about YOU!
I admire your sig line, your wisdom in one so young and I admire your spirit!
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I must say, as I was reading your earlier post, I was thinking the very same thing about YOU!
I admire your sig line, your wisdom in one so young and I admire your spirit!

Thank you. I like be called YOUNG. My 7-year old loves to remind me that I'm 41.
Blessings to you.
Oh dear, that is just so wrong that people hassle you about our eggs. Those kids at school prefer Lunchables? They've obviously never had real food. So sad what crap people feed their kids!

You're doing a good job, and you know you're in the right, all I can say is don't let the idiots grind you down, and I hope the other kids at school don't corrupt your kids!

When my DH (he's a truck driver) had a temporary job change for medical reasons, the lunches I made for him caused quite a stir. Usually a good serving of whatever meat we had the night before, vegetables or salad, home baked bread, or biscuits or cornbread, sometimes a homemade dessert or some fresh fruit. Sometimes homemade pizza. After a couple of weeks, he told me that one of the hot topics of conversation at work was "What's Del got for lunch today?" The other guys would look at his lunch with envy, as they ate their bologna sandwiches.

Maybe in a few years, the other kids will start to realize what they're missing.
I must say, as I was reading your earlier post, I was thinking the very same thing about YOU!
I admire your sig line, your wisdom in one so young and I admire your spirit!

Thank you. I like be called YOUNG. My 7-year old loves to remind me that I'm 41.
Blessings to you.

NO WAY! Your photo ages you to about 25, if that! You are either very young looking or a GREAT photographer!
Like your husband, my sister used to take leftovers to work and people would drool over my mom's pork chops and scalloped potatoes. Who makes homemade scalloped potatoes anymore?

When I was in college 20 years ago, everyone in the dorm called me "Grandma" because I cooked meals from scratch and they cooked from a box. At Thanksgiving 1988 I made a turkey and all of the fixings for our floor, and most of the girls gagged when I told them how I cleaned out the inside of the bird before roasting, telling me they would NEVER do that. They had no idea how to make dressing or pie or potatoes from a real potato. But after Thanksgiving they all wanted to pool grocery money with me and teach them how to cook. I thought, "Your mom should have taught you that." It was strange being "Grandma" when this was normal.

My 7-year old has learned to cook and bake, and unfortunately has learned how to defend her food to the kids who "yuck her yum." I told her, "Do you like our homemade soup?" (She chops the carrots, garlic and hamsteak for our potato soup.) She says YES. "Then who cares if (NAME) doesn't? They are eating it. You are." It's early to teach her this, but she'll be ahead of the curve when bullied later.
It's a self-portrait and I do know tricks to hide my German double chin, yes. My skin is oily, so I have few wrinkles. My mom is 62 and doesn't have a single gray hair, and all of my sisters and I take after her. Thanks for the compliment.
I do! I do! Potatoes from a box?

We did that in college too! My two roomies and I would host Thursday night cooked-from-scratch suppers for our friends. Sometimes we had a dish flop, but usually it turned out great. The guys who lived upstairs loved us

My mom taught me how to keep a house and grow and prepare food, and as I whined she told me I'd need these skills later in life when I was on my own. Wise woman.
I realize this is off topic but I just wanted to say, Plymouth Rocker, I am not that far from you.
I am in weymouth, I love to go down to Plymouth Harbor in the summertime.
Looks like Plymouth and Weymouth are getting those big Hollywood type movie studios built here. Very surprising since we aren't the bigger cities.
Anyway, my daughter is in her last year of college so she has an apartment this year and is loving that she can cook whatever she wants. I am amazed at how much she picked up from me, who knew she was paying attention all the times I made her help in the kitchen.
I am very proud that she has learned to cook great food and not to eat the lousy stuff alot of college kids are forced to do if they don't know how to cook.

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