people with house chickens

I could sure use some diapers,but mine are still just babies, so lots of growing left! I posted pictures. You can see their (not so great pictures) over in the recently uploaded section of the thread.
I love this thread! I'm only about 30 pages left til I'm done reading the whole thing!
They are really cute! I think on the chickendiapers website, it said they have to have stiff tail feathers before they can wear a diaper.
They r really cute! But do they have a waterproof liner? Spots corners have a waterproof liner built in already! Put a tissue in it and take it out wen u change it u can rinse it n re sew out the material get if wet. And they don't cover the preening gland so they can have access to it to oil their featheres.
She dosnt make them tho for babies. Only full sized. We went threw 15 diapers while my duck grew :/ such a big amout of $ to keep a diaper on him! But Muffy is an adult n fill grown so I order all the time hehe. Whoever u order drone tho! Don't get just one! Seriously! Especially if their no waterproof liner you will be waking and blows tying it every change if you do t have at least one back up
I line them with pantyliners. It takes about 5 for his diaper, then at night I take out the liners and the diaper is still clean.

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