people with house chickens

Got another baby chick! This one may live in the house for a while after the other babies go out. We found him in the tall grass on our yard, and from what it seems he was pecked by another baby or chick and got lost on his way over here. We think he could have some brain damage but he acts like a normal chick, sometimes he tilts his head and keeps it that way for a while but he is doing well.

Got another baby chick! This one may live in the house for a while after the other babies go out. We found him in the tall grass on our yard, and from what it seems he was pecked by another baby or chick and got lost on his way over here. We think he could have some brain damage but he acts like a normal chick, sometimes he tilts his head and keeps it that way for a while but he is doing well.
Aww...poor baby! So cute
and house chickens ROCK!!!

Got another baby chick! This one may live in the house for a while after the other babies go out. We found him in the tall grass on our yard, and from what it seems he was pecked by another baby or chick and got lost on his way over here. We think he could have some brain damage but he acts like a normal chick, sometimes he tilts his head and keeps it that way for a while but he is doing well.

Are these your flock or are they wandering strays showing up on your property?
Aww...poor baby! So cute
and house chickens ROCK!!!
He/she is doing soo much better now! Only tilting his head when he is tired.

Are these your flock or are they wandering strays showing up on your property?
They're wandering over here. Our neighbors have chickens but, honestly, they don't really care about them too much. This is the fourth baby chick I've found in our yard- two were half-dead, one we returned and the other was Finn.
He/she is doing soo much better now! Only tilting his head when he is tired.

They're wandering over here. Our neighbors have chickens but, honestly, they don't really care about them too much. This is the fourth baby chick I've found in our yard- two were half-dead, one we returned and the other was Finn.
Glad to hear baby is doing better! How irresponsible! They shouldn't have them if they are not going to care for them
Glad to hear baby is doing better! How irresponsible! They shouldn't have them if they are not going to care for them
Yeah. I think theyre on vacation or something, but today I heard a tractor running over there. Their chickens are always being picked up by hawks :(
Hello everyone!!!

Wow..... I've missed a lot since I was last on here. I'll have to go through and try to do a bit of catching up. How has everyone been, and how are all of your house chickens? I've had a busy summer, so I havent been able to come on as much as I would like to. I can't even remember the last time I came on to give everyone a good Sunni update. Haha!

Sunni is doing great though. She is loving the hot summer weather. The heat doesnt even seem to phase her. We have an enclosed porch on the side of our house, and she loves to spend hours out there every day. Taking "dust baths", lounging in the sun, and just cruising around the room.

She is still a little stinker, and gets into all kinds of mischief. But she's a joy to have in the house.

Here are some pictures that I have taken of her recently.

Her favorite dog bed. She loves that thing.

She's still rocking her diaper from hensaver.
They work perfect for her. Im looking into getting her another one (maybe two) here pretty soon. To give her some color variety. The last three pictures I took as I was chasing her through the house trying to put her diaper on her. She likes to sneak out of the bathroom and run away whenever I take her diaper off to clean it out. She loves her diaper, and actually gets worked up if she's out for a while and doesnt have it on. But she still loves to play a good game of chase with me once in a while.

Another example of how much of a stinker she is:

The other day I brought her into the bathroom to clean out her diaper, and as soon as I got it off of her, she jumped onto my lap (I was sitting indian style on the floor), ducked under my arm and jumped down, ran across the bathroom, and out into the hallway. As soon as she set foot on the rug in the hallway, she pooped on the rug!! And then she did her little chatter that I swear sounds like she's laughing at me, and then she continued to run into the living room. It was one of times where you just have to shake your head and laugh.

This little one sure does keep me busy. But I love her to death.
CHICKENMOMMA! how in the world are you? long time? I was idly leafing thru this post just staring at pics and not really reading, just in a zOne. Then I saw this gorgeous copper colored bird. So I said, "is that sunni?: sure enough... our diapered diva it is! how are you? I am up to myears in chickys... had three in march, four in april , three in may and 18 guineas born in june. my favorite hen, Angel got coyoteed on July.. that sucks. 'well take care,
p.s. I just wanna kiss her cute little beaky! Give her luvs for me
He/she is doing soo much better now! Only tilting his head when he is tired.

They're wandering over here. Our neighbors have chickens but, honestly, they don't really care about them too much. This is the fourth baby chick I've found in our yard- two were half-dead, one we returned and the other was Finn.

The chicks over there have an underground going - "Hey, go over to PBGGG - they'll take better care of us!"

With that kind of irresponsibility you've got to wonder if they ever routinely worm or treat their flocks for lice/mites.

Got another baby chick! This one may live in the house for a while after the other babies go out. We found him in the tall grass on our yard, and from what it seems he was pecked by another baby or chick and got lost on his way over here. We think he could have some brain damage but he acts like a normal chick, sometimes he tilts his head and keeps it that way for a while but he is doing well.
I had one too that got pecked nby a hen before Icould save her. she is huge today, and also is a he.....Crickett But yeah she had a lot of skin removed

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