people with house chickens

@My Hens and Roo ,,,
What is it the police do when they show up at your house for a silly nuisance call like that? I mean, do they tell you to tell Mr. Roo to keep it down some, do they fine you or tell you that you have to get rid of Mr. Roo? Or do the police even come out at all, instead they may just do a complaint over the telephone? And have you figured out what to do with your chickens yet?
I love those cute photos.

Also I'd think the Police would have better things to do then listen to this woman's calls. I mean really the only reason I could see calling about those hens is if they where hanging out in the middle of the street. This lady has issues and needs to be 'rehomed' I think.
Been a while since I've given an update.. I'm all moved to a new province (Newfoundland) and I've had quite the blast with my girls over the past few days. Lots of travelling and of course they were there with me :)
Here's some pics from our adventure!

You'll have to update your avatar from Nova Scotia to Newfoundland. Will you be getting a Newfie dog to watch that flock of yours? You wouldn't want a swooping Eagle, Seagull or a Walrus to take off with those cuties !!! Really - I'm serious - I love Newfies and they are gentle flock/rescue dogs. I also adore Silkies and especially the Partridge variety. A beach sand dust bath - how fun! The picture of them viewing the ocean is priceless!

Have you posted these photos on the BYC Silkie thread! yet - they will love these photos!
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I definitely should add them to the thread!

And I only wish I could be getting one of those big black fluffy cuties! I'm a student so I can't have a dog at the moment. I just have my two amazing girls, they're inside with me for the most part, aside from when I take them out to hang out with me in the woods across the way.
Thank you for your thoughts. I wonder what her deal is all the time. I have tried to be nice to her no matter what she does and so far I have kept my cool. I would like to find the guts to ask her what her goal in all this is. Yesterday she called the police on my little neighbor girls flock...they got out when they were at church, They like to come down to my house to check out the cute rooster I suppose. Hey, you can't blame the girls:love They were in my yard not hurting a thing and she called the police. I mean, whats the point?!!
Wow she just can't help herself but to try & make everybody's day as awful as hers!! What she's doing is very uncalled for & just plain out coldhearted! Has her hubs said anything about why she so mean? If or when y'all go back to court I would see if your neighbors will go w/ you & testify that she's causing unnecessary problems in the neighborhood by harassing all the animals & repeated phone calls to the police for no reason & wasting their time & tax money! I'm praying for all of y'all in hopes that it all goes your way!
I definitely should add them to the thread!

And I only wish I could be getting one of those big black fluffy cuties! I'm a student so I can't have a dog at the moment. I just have my two amazing girls, they're inside with me for the most part, aside from when I take them out to hang out with me in the woods across the way.

Yes, a dog - especially a very large breed - is a great responsibility. I'm glad to see you being able to enjoy your Silkies. Silkies are every bit as hardy as large fowl but so much more adorably entertaining and sweet! I have read where their lifespan can be anywhere from 8 to 17 years with 10 to 12 being the average. That's a pretty good length considering heavy egg-laying fowl or sexlinks that have an average of 6 to maybe 10 years only. I'm sure there will be longevity exceptions but these are averages. Black Hen Farm graciously rescues spent, caged, or unwanted poultry to give them a forever pastured home without butchering and they say it's possible for a chicken's life to extend to 25 years! If that is true my hens could potentially outlive me!
Wow she just can't help herself but to try & make everybody's day as awful as hers!! What she's doing is very uncalled for & just plain out coldhearted! Has her hubs said anything about why she so mean? If or when y'all go back to court I would see if your neighbors will go w/ you & testify that she's causing unnecessary problems in the neighborhood by harassing all the animals & repeated phone calls to the police for no reason & wasting their time & tax money! I'm praying for all of y'all in hopes that it all goes your way!

Good points raised!

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