people with house chickens

Sadly we had to say goodbye this morning to Pancake. We don't know what happened but we found her dead in her inside coup. :(

Sad to hear that, she wasn't even a year old. You said that she didn't lay till 40 weeks & her comb was pale. Maybe there was something genetic off about her.
Oh how sad! There are just so many chicken maladies/diseases that can suddently take a chicken in an instant and there's no way to know without a necropsy. And chickens like all animals are so good at hiding their pain or illness that you don't even know they were sick!

How old was Pancake. Seems like she wasn't that old?

She was 10 months, 1 week and 6 days old. The only sign something might have been wrong was a pale comb that had only been going on for a day. But yes there are so many things that can hit them without showing obvious symptoms. It could have been genetic too like RAnst4038 said too, she did not lay until 40 weeks. If there is another sudden death in any future chickens we own I will send them out for necropsy to Davis. I think it is agreed in the house being without her has left a huge hole, though I don't think any first new ones shall be Buff Orps.
The chicken diapers look uncomfortable, knowing that they wrap around the wing. Does it hurt them or cause any damage to the feathers? I really want to try one on my daisy, but im afraid it will hurt her. Any help?

Rad refused to wear any diaper with wing straps, and no amount o alteration would console her
So I made her one myself with a 1.5 inch waistband under her wings instead, and she acts like nothing's there after she adjusts her feathers a bit
Hello everyone.

I know I haven't been on here in a while, but I have a question about your house chickens. What do you do about molting? Do your house chickens all still molt every year like they are supposed to? I'm asking because Sunni just won't molt.... all of my hens outside that are the same age as her, molted before winter. Sunni's feathers are all very brittle and breaking off, and she just looks a mess... but she won't molt. :/ Is this just her? Or do all house chickens do this, because of the climate and lighting difference in the house? I'm wondering if cutting back on light and food will help. I guess it's worth a shot. She really needs to molt.

Hope you and your chickens are all doing well!

Edited to add: She has so many broken off feathers, or bald patches under and around her legs, that I have to limit how much she wears her diaper, because it is starting to rub under her legs and cause irritation. Since the feather barrier between the diaper and her skin is no longer there. Which is beginning to become a bit of a problem....
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Pancake had that issue all her feathers where broken or becoming brittle I thought it was just because of the strange weather patterns which are happening in California that she didn't molt normally. Maybe it is a vitamin issue not enough D Vit? :(
Pancake had that issue all her feathers where broken or becoming brittle I thought it was just because of the strange weather patterns which are happening in California that she didn't molt normally. Maybe it is a vitamin issue not enough D Vit?

Vitamins was a concern for me so I began giving my chickens just one drop of children's no-iron Poly-Vi-Sol liquid vitamin 1 or 2x a week. During stress like extreme temperatures, molting, brooding, or prolific egg laying I will increase it to 3x/week - this has been with my vet's approval. My 2 Silkies will lap the drop from the palm of my hand. However the Ameraucana is not so willing so we have to put a drop on the side of her beak until she licks the annoying droplet.
Vitamins was a concern for me so I began giving my chickens just one drop of children's no-iron Poly-Vi-Sol liquid vitamin 1 or 2x a week. During stress like extreme temperatures, molting, brooding, or prolific egg laying I will increase it to 3x/week - this has been with my vet's approval. My 2 Silkies will lap the drop from the palm of my hand. However the Ameraucana is not so willing so we have to put a drop on the side of her beak until she licks the annoying droplet.

I'm on a waiting list for a banty orp chick for later this year I wish I had picked them up for Pancake but right before her death we where dealing with a dying cat, he passed yesterday. I'm making sure I have it next time for the new baby ahead of time. Pancake is so missed right now and the house is so quiet.
I think it's all length of day that regulates what animals do. It's hard to simulate though, if you have them in a room where the sun can shine in they should know the length of day. I would try making her cold enough to shiver. That ought to spark something.

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