people with house chickens

! What does the dog think about the chook?

Well she is about to turn 12 and has become pretty chill about everything... Except squirrels. She even puts up with our 2 year old driving his cars on I think she actually likes Nera (the silkie). They cuddle like this a lot. I'm guessing Nera's claws feel good when she walks on Augie's back!
Wow...she has amazing color! The pic with her sneaking up on the cat is hilarious! Love it!

What is her name?

Looks like you don't use a diaper. How have you found the clean up to be?

I hear you can potty train them, but it takes 2-3 weeks of 24/7 treats and whistles. lol
Her name is Peanut, She is pretty good about not pooping in the house..I mean it does happen and I clean it up right away. She isn't loose all the time either, I need to get a diaper though!!
She looks to me like a Wyandotte Silkie cross. I don't see polish in her.
She looks like an orange version of my Ebony!
D'awwww she sure does look like yours! I really don't know what mine are mixed with ..They all came from a Silkie and a Frizzle but those parents could have been mixed breeds as well.

Happy to have one of my brooding hens back in the house! She just had 3 healthy chicks! This is her set up, in my bedroom haha

Just found this thread :) I don't have a house chicken YET but have big plans for one............ I've even started looking for diaper material so.... lol

My birds are all pets and i may have to move soon to a place where i can't have chickens in a coop, but am planning on smuggling in a few house babies

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