people with house chickens

I love the bird in the purse!!!! I might have to copy that!

Ok, so one of my silkies went broody so I bought her fertile silkie eggs. She is sitting on 9! I can't wait to see what hatches... Though its my first time hatching anything and I'm super nervous/excited! She growls at my husband every time he tries to per her, she is fine with me!! Hahaha

Thanks! Haha, that's my seramas spot too when we go out, but I don't think I have a picture of that. It DOES make it a little hard to get to my wallet though =P
My japanese bantam is on six eggs and this is her
21st Day of sitting.
This is nerve wracking. Altho, the people who have done
this a lot, say not to worry. The hen will do everything. I believe them.
Good luck.
That is THE CUTEST little duck ugh you make me want them too.,,, the peeping is getting outrageous but I'm slowly drowning it out now! My babies are getting bigger now and acting like a bunch of kids, always fighting over the best spot in the cage, trying to one-up each other with how high they can fly! Our poor silkie cant fly like the other two but she sure tries, its very entertaining. So when should I let these little guys get outside and poke around the garden? They are two-three weeks, I lost count but they seem to be needing more stimulation, its quite amazing really my 2 1/2 year old daughter and the chickens have allot in common lol. The weather is absolutely beautiful, probably the earliest summer I have ever had, so I'm itching to let the little buggers scrounge for food, they are amazing foragers even when there is food in the dish they would rather go scratching about the shavings to seek out bits of sand and flowers.
So...I have a lil house silkie is three weeks old, and is currently residing in a clear plastic tote ( we will be upgrading our living arrangements soon..Lol) I'm already noticing she can be pretty stinky (she is in pine shavings that I clean EVERY day)
I have read about sweet pdz working for odor?? Is this safe to sprinkle in with her pine shavings....or maybe a layer underneath the shavings?? I'm totally new to chicken any thoughts are appreciated!! Thanks!!

I now use alfalfa pellets, it seems to take down the smell. Probably because of the chlorphyll
I can't smell the awfull doo doo smell with it.
Also, my five copper marans are in a small plastic swimming pool that I got at K Mart.
I have branches in it with rocks and a hidie box. It is cardboard and the bottom is cut off with a
large opening for them to run into. I taped paper napkins on it for a door. They run in it if they get
scared. So cute. I used to do this for the wild bunnies I used to rehab. I will post a picture.
I have a problem, maybe someone can help me.
Dottie has been sitting on six eggs. Today is Day 23 and hatching.
she is sitting in a rubbermaid dishpan on top of the clothes tower.
I read on another forum that a lady kept her hen on the nest for 24 days and the eggs hatched.
I do not expect these eggs to hatch. BUT Dottie will not leave them, she is the perfect mother.

Question: How do I remove the eggs on the 24th Day so that it is gentle for her. She will throw a fit.
Bonsai my temporary house rooster. I thought is mate was going to kill him when he tried mounting her after her chicks hatched. So I rescued him from himself and brought him to the house as I didnt have anywhere else to put him at that moment. However he has been so much fun to have in the house and is so good he has stayed with us. He is too valuble as a breeder so once his lady is done being a Mom he has to go back on the Job again lol

He has made himself Quite at home :)

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