people with house chickens

Haha, it was almost like she was thinking "I don't do sleeping outdoors!"
Nothing yet from the eggs. It's killin me. I haven't candled them at all, so it's going to be a big surprise with any that hatch.

How long did it take for yours to hatch? How long did people recommend to wait with broodies?

I hope your australorpe heals :( she is lucky to have you taking care of her!
Dottie hatched out 1 chick on Day 23.
1 chick on Day 24 and 2 chicks on Day 25.
I let the other two eggs with Dottie for another day or two. And I then took them away.
The first chick born died four days later. She only wanted to be with mother under her wing.
She just would not eat. I tried to give water and slurry. But it didn't help. So we buried the first chick and the two eggs that didn't hatch.
People said to keep the eggs up to Day 26. And to also candle them. I did but I don't know what I am doing. We didn't see any movement in the candled eggs.

Whispers the Austalope has a long way to go for healing.......

Will be waiting for your news......
JaquiJ, broody's eggs usually take longer to hatch than incubated eggs. Good luck! I can't wait to hear if they hatch!

Oh, my poor silkie Pumpkin. She is so utterly confused. She's sunbathing on the carpet. There's no sun. *Facepalm*
JaquiJ, broody's eggs usually take longer to hatch than incubated eggs. Good luck! I can't wait to hear if they hatch!

Oh, my poor silkie Pumpkin. She is so utterly confused. She's sunbathing on the carpet. There's no sun. *Facepalm*

Lady dust bathes on my bed, or any pile of laundry she can find. House chickens are pretty hilarious.

Happy healing wishes to Whisper! I know how hard that is =(
I have a jungle fowl house roo, his name is Oz. We found him at a park all alone when he was less than a week old. Hand raised him. He has a spot on the couch that he calls home and a large bird cage in the garage...

If he sleeps in the garage I cover the cage with blankets and he doesn't crow until 7 or 8.

Sometimes he sleeps on the bed with me. He likes to sleep next to someone for warmth.

He'll be 2 in July
Well we have one pip so far! Hoping I will have new babies to share soon!!!!!!!

Thanks for all the advice guys!

And chickens are so goofy sometimes! I always get a good laugh when mine hunt for bugs in our carpet!
it makes me smile when I see my House Silkie, Sparkle, all comfy in a ray of sunshine through the bedroom window. Smack in the middle of the comforter on the bed.

It is one reason why I use inexpensive, washable bedspreads and comforters. My dogs and cat sleep with me, but they don't poop where they sleep.

Sparkle has her spot in the living room, on a small one-step stool I set on top of a vinyl tablecloth over the coffee table. She watches TV from there and then settles down for the night. It's HER spot. She makes announcements from there, occasionally.
Awww, sparkle sounds so wonderful!

My Lily is officially a mommie!!!!! We had our first chick hatch this morning! I am so excited!!


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