people with house chickens

Quote: O:h how lucky you are....I miss that stage so much. My little roosters started crowing just two months ago and I was soooo excited. It was like Nambroth said in her post that they sound like New Years a question about the app;le cider it all the same? The one I got was at Walmart in the grocery department. Would that be different than what I would give mybirds?i mean is there different types like for edible vs. medicinal? Thank you for all of your help.
O:h how lucky you are....I miss that stage so much. My little roosters started crowing just two months ago and I was soooo excited. It was like Nambroth said in her post that they sound like New Years a question about the app;le cider it all the same? The one I got was at Walmart in the grocery department. Would that be different than what I would give mybirds?i mean is there different types like for edible vs. medicinal? Thank you for all of your help.
It's not so much a "stage" as a breed =P he's a year old serama - his crow is "full grown" but it's sooo tiny and cute! It's fuller than my last serama roo but that just makes it better, more "Real" rooster just in mini. I had a BIG EE rooster that I loved, but after a year his crow just got too whiny for me. I was worried about my neighbors too. He started at 3am! And he though it was a good idea to remind everyone what they were in store for in the morning at about 11 pm each night with 3 or 4 good hearty crows... he was a weirdo. After crowing all day of course! So when I got my little serama out of the indoor coop (he was a house chicken for a while) and into the big outdoor run, I just LOVED it. He is so perfect! And cute =P
When I have less neighbors I will find the perfect large fowl rooster.

This is my little baby serama rooster - he just started crowing night before last! weirdo! lol
(starts at 29 seconds)

I just use the stuff from the walmart grocery store for it all =) I don't think there is any difference. Although I am in the process of making my own. It takes a month to get it started though.
Quote: How Sweet. I cant even beleive how tiny and cute his crow is. Its more of a squeak. Yea we were definitely talking about two different things
My three boys,all brothers,fired up their crowers at four months and haven't looked back. They start at 1:30 AM. Thank the good Lord I don't have close neighbors. And the neighbors I do have all have chickens and Guineas as well so we are all compatible and look out for predators in the area for each other. So that is the way that all Seramas crow? I had no idea, Hey would you mind someday if you have time to , message me and tell me how to post a video. I can;t seem to figure it out. Thanks again...
My mini d'uccle are not much if at all quieter than my standard ee's.... more persistant too. .. i love my house birds but will be glad for spring!!! Maybe by winter's end they will figure out crowing wakes the angry
How Sweet. I cant even beleive how tiny and cute his crow is. Its more of a squeak. Yea we were definitely talking about two different things
My three boys,all brothers,fired up their crowers at four months and haven't looked back. They start at 1:30 AM. Thank the good Lord I don't have close neighbors. And the neighbors I do have all have chickens and Guineas as well so we are all compatible and look out for predators in the area for each other. So that is the way that all Seramas crow? I had no idea, Hey would you mind someday if you have time to , message me and tell me how to post a video. I can;t seem to figure it out. Thanks again...
Well these are only his first few days of crowing, it will grow! But it's so cute for now! Although if he doesn't learn quick that crowing at 10 at night is not ok, DH will start throwing pillows at him LOL
The "big boys" who aren't all that big lol are much louder but still nothing compared to large fowl.
This is my old little house rooster Taco. He is no longer with me. He was such a hoot, I loved that little turd. The times listed are his crows in the video, it's a long video, he was doing a funky wheezy at the end of his crowing so I caged him and set up a camera on him so I could show the video but the wheezing is difficult to hear. It's a SUPER cute video of his crowing though! (he ran around my house diapered 24/7, so he was a little irked that I penned him up ha)
4:24, 4:50, 5:30. 6:11, 7:40, 8:06, 8:30, 8:55

1:30?! holy crap! That would NOT fly at my house haha. My neighbors do weird things at all hours, but MY family would probably roast me on a spit for the world to see if I didn't slit the throat within 2 days of any rooster that crowed that early haha. Our coop is about 10 feet from my mother in laws bedroom window LOL >I< am on the other side of the house, a whole 30 feet maybe, I get the geese honking rather than the roosters, but now that we only have the one little serama boy she shouldn't have much to complain about, you can barely hear him over the 8 million Chihuahuas across the street. I swear they had 5 dogs a few weeks ago and suddenly they have at LEAST 50 under 8 weeks, no joke... talk about "chicken math" LOL
Anywhoodles, you are lucky to have a nice chicken loving and caring neighborhood! It's always wonderful to hear that!!!
I will shoot you a PM about that video thingy

My mini d'uccle are not much if at all quieter than my standard ee's.... more persistant too. .. i love my house birds but will be glad for spring!!! Maybe by winter's end they will figure out crowing wakes the angry
OH if only roosters had brains... I think the loud ones are the dumbest... it's like the dog that barks because his bark collar shocked him.... LOL
my little rooster definitely crows more often than my big ones ever did, but he is so quiet I don't even notice. Most of the time I don't hear him, he just blends in to everything else. But when he was inside he was SO loud, ohmygosh. I thought my ears would explode. I made the mistake of putting his cage in a corner with cement floors near a window, so not only could he hear the competition outside, his voice just echoed and amplified against the walls and floor lol. It was a nightmare. He's perfect outside though. Nothing compared tot he neighbor's RIR roo.
My RIR rooster (that just went to his new home yesterday :( ) was LOUD. He was also a huge baby. He would freak out if a butterfly flew past. He was fun to have around though. He wasnt the best at protecting the ladies, but he was so goofy and dramatic that I just loved watching him. When he was little he was a HUGE Momma's boy. He used to follow me all over the yard, and would run to me any time my old rooster was picking on him or chased him. Hopefully the roosters at his new home are nice to him. The lady my chickens went to has such a huge yard, and her chicken coop is her entire big barn, so her roosters never fight since there is so much space and so many hens. So maybe they won't even notice he's there.

@kukupecpec Serama crows are so cute! I played that video just now, and Sunni was hissing and growling every time the rooster would crow in the video. :lol:
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kukupecpec- that video of Taco was the cutest thing i have seen yet. I can't believe how tiny his crow is. That little wheeze he does at the Roody does that too, sounds like a set of bagpipes winding down. I was almost afraid at first that he had a respiratory problem, his brothers, Early and Sammy don't do it, but its funny. Thank you for sending the help with videos. If you check the other post I wrote tonight, my last 48 hours has been hectic. Found out that two of my birds have got poultry lice. One is a repeat offender. So have been bathing, dusting, replacing, showering, and itching my way through the last two days. When things calm down here i will give it a try though, thank s again.

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