people with house chickens

kukupecpec- that video of Taco was the cutest thing i have seen yet. I can't believe how tiny his crow is. That little wheeze he does at the Roody does that too, sounds like a set of bagpipes winding down. I was almost afraid at first that he had a respiratory problem, his brothers, Early and Sammy don't do it, but its funny. Thank you for sending the help with videos. If you check the other post I wrote tonight, my last 48 hours has been hectic. Found out that two of my birds have got poultry lice. One is a repeat offender. So have been bathing, dusting, replacing, showering, and itching my way through the last two days. When things calm down here i will give it a try though, thank s again.
He had the best little crow! DH could even sleep through the first crow or two in the morning, so I would let Taco roost right next to my head on a text book stood upright so in the morning he would wake up, do his first crow-stretch, and then I would reach up real quick and grab him and pull him under the covers with me so he would sleep with me quietly until I was ready to get up. He was SUCH a good little diapered house rooster. He was an accident too. We only had two, and his mate mysteriously died last winter so we brought him inside and plopped him in his diaper 24/7.

Oh man lice is tough! I JUST got my whole flock through a bad bout of that. I wish you luck with all that! I ended the whole thing with "natural" remedies and actually really liked them. They semed to work really well for me and my birds, if this is a repeat you might try this and see if it helps keep the bugs away, I was having a hard time getting rid of the infestation until I tried this -
I used a combination of the mites and the lice info
the Fresh Eggs Daily blog is really helpful in general
Uhh oh! Our thread is dying. :(

Sunni is finally almost used to the feel of her diaper. We bought stronger elastic, so it fits like it should. Yesterday she was running all over the house. She even chased my dog trying to get a piece of bread from him. :lol:

Two days ago I was giving Sunni a few pieces of Honeycombs cereal as a treat, and I reached over to give my dog some. Sunni saw him take it and she ran up to him and latched onto his whiskers and chased him through the kitchen trying to get it. :lau She sure does take treats seriously. Lol
Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't been on lately, life got really busy really fast. I should be on more this week! Glad to hear everyone is doing well.

MsChickenMomma, we shall not let it die!!
Newbie to the thread here, i just recently, ie two days ago, had one of my poor babies promoted to house chicken. Its uncertain if she will survive, but she is being spoiled rotten. Ok heres the story. Three days ago my dog, who just had his balls chopped tonight, ripped my chicks right wing 90% off and her left about 30% off, in surgery the surgeon decided it would be best to amputate both wings. So now i have a nubby little fighter who is currently trying to fly up onto the bed as i type!
My hens LOVE anything sweet. Hummingbird food, mixed properly according to the directions, will get a sick hen to drink water any day, or teach new chicks to drink. If you look around you can find it with calcium. You can add medicine to it and they'll love it.
Newbie to the thread here, i just recently, ie two days ago, had one of my poor babies promoted to house chicken. Its uncertain if she will survive, but she is being spoiled rotten. Ok heres the story. Three days ago my dog, who just had his balls chopped tonight, ripped my chicks right wing 90% off and her left about 30% off, in surgery the surgeon decided it would be best to amputate both wings. So now i have a nubby little fighter who is currently trying to fly up onto the bed as i type!
HI Vyrall and welcome to the thread, whew I had to read your post twice to figure out who had lost what exactly but I think I got it straightened out now, chicken lost wings,dog lost nuts?Wow you got a happy group of animals rigtht now.
i hope the little one lives. I guess you could hardly blame the dog for reacting , could you? I am surprised that you are able to find a vet willing to work with you. The vets in my area are nuts- no pun intended...most of them wont even see chickens but the onesthat I found that do charge $90 just to see it.They charge it as an "exotic bird". Exotic bird my shoelaces. Theres nothing exotic about my birds. sure I love them but I wouldn't hardly call them exotic. Anywho, everyone here on this thread has at least one bird living inside with them Ithink. I have some part timers. Mine would be full time but my husband is a stick in the mud. He said they are livestock and should be outside. wrong answer. I bring them in anyway. no diaper. its so very cold outside rightnow and there is nothing nicer than snuggling with a chicken. anyway good luck with your little wingless baby. Have you named him/.her yet?
Uhh oh! Our thread is dying.

Sunni is finally almost used to the feel of her diaper. We bought stronger elastic, so it fits like it should. Yesterday she was running all over the house. She even chased my dog trying to get a piece of bread from him.

Two days ago I was giving Sunni a few pieces of Honeycombs cereal as a treat, and I reached over to give my dog some. Sunni saw him take it and she ran up to him and latched onto his whiskers and chased him through the kitchen trying to get it.
She sure does take treats seriously. Lol
Sunni sounds a lot like my little girl Pepper. No treat ever gets past her. I open the slider and there she is. If I leave it open in she comes. She searches the whole house looking for dropped goodies on the floor. When I hand out treats, she bustles her way to the front to get them. She's a sweet pudgy flufflball. She jumps in the air to get treats faster too. If I was going to have a full time house chicky I think it would be her. She doesn't have the patience to be held for very long. She's fine as long as we're walking but if I sit down she squirms toget free. Probably to look for more treats. But I love her. I believe I'm going to let her hatch a clutch this spring maybe. She lays everyday.In my flowerpot. On the porch.

Pepper now

I believe pepper is the middle one....maybe
Quote: The only vet we found that would see her charged the huge 'exotic' fee of 85$ just to assess, but in all honesty, she is such a fighter i couldnt just let her suffer and die. She doesnt quite have a name yet as im still trying to figure out something juuust right, but ive been calling her Diamond. And sorry about the mush of words, i was exhausted last night and im not much more rested today. Ive had inside chickens before but they have all since passed.
For lice i just do the ivomec to the back of the neck. Takes about 3 days then they are all gone.

I am planning to adopt out much of my flock next spring, looking for the rifht family. I have decided that with work 6 days a week a little over a trio would be perfect

This means if i don't get swamped with bills i can maybe build a take apart 3x6 coop that is predator proof, use it for the house ones then spring i'll have my coop.... spring fever already!

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