people with house chickens

Good morning all,
I was just checking in and THANKS A LOT! Now I have to get turkeys and duckeys too!

Beautiful animals all of them. I'm never going to have enough room for all the animals I want. I still want an Alpaca and a Donkey. Oh and a camel too. Chicken mama, Sunni looks just magnificent in her little holster, but you never answered my question about what happens if she lays an egg? I'm thinking scrambled eggs?
Hi Phantom, as usual your birds are all cute as hell. Its' not right. And no I don't think I amsstill jinxed I just can't find any cute pics of my birds that don't have me in them. I ain't photogenic at all. Im camera shy....but I can post pics of my dog and birds all the livelong day.....dont get me started

Welcome to the new members of our happy little house chicken forum, we don't bite....not hard anyway.

Keep the pics coming everyone, it's nice tosee the birds that go along with the stories. I feel like I know all the birds personally sometimes. Speaking of which, I guess I better go feed my crew. Take care everyone, and have a safe and happy New Year,.
Good morning all,
I was just checking in and THANKS A LOT! Now I have to get turkeys and duckeys too!:)
Beautiful animals all of them. I'm never going to have enough room for all the animals I want. I still want an Alpaca and a Donkey. Oh and a camel too.  Chicken mama, Sunni looks just magnificent in her little holster, but you never answered my question about what happens if she lays an egg? I'm thinking scrambled eggs? 
Hi Phantom, as usual your birds are all cute as hell. Its' not right. And no I don't think I amsstill jinxed I just can't find any cute pics of my birds that don't have me in them. I ain't photogenic at all. Im camera shy....but I can post pics of my dog and birds all the livelong day.....dont get me started:D
Welcome to the new members of our happy little house chicken forum, we don't bite....not hard anyway. :p
Keep the pics coming everyone, it's nice tosee the birds that go along with the stories. I feel like I know all the birds personally sometimes. Speaking of which, I guess I better go feed my crew. Take care everyone, and have a safe and happy New Year,.

Im sorry, I didn't see that you had asked that. Sunni isn't laying eggs right now, because of what happened with our dog, but when she did lay eggs she had her little ways of letting me know when she needed to. She would start getting really noisy and she do anything and everything to get my attention. Pace by the bottom of the stairs, lightly peck my hands or arms, chatter really loud, etc. So she's never laid an egg in her diaper. That would be really funny though. :lol:
I didn't tell him the eggs in the bator were duck eggs... I just bought them and hid the incubator in my dresser - brinsea mini advance so it's nice and tiny - I had to have ducklings. I just had to! I was hoping to give a couple to Trina and Pom to raise, but I may be raising them all inside so they are used to me.
Oh my, the things our addictions make us do! Don't try coming to us for help either, we are all enablers! :p Keep doing what you're doing lol

Oh! I almost forgot. I have a picture of Sunni wearing her new Hen Holster from @MaddiesMum She is OBSESSED with preening and playing with the Velcro straps. I can't get her to stop tugging on it.
It must feel funny on her beak or something.

Oh my, I absolutely love it! She looks wonderful! I'm so glad it it's working out well and fits her nicely :)
Give her a nice little neck scratch for me!
Good morning all,
I was just checking in and THANKS A LOT! Now I have to get turkeys and duckeys too!

Beautiful animals all of them. I'm never going to have enough room for all the animals I want. I still want an Alpaca and a Donkey. Oh and a camel too. Chicken mama, Sunni looks just magnificent in her little holster, but you never answered my question about what happens if she lays an egg? I'm thinking scrambled eggs?
Hi Phantom, as usual your birds are all cute as hell. Its' not right. And no I don't think I amsstill jinxed I just can't find any cute pics of my birds that don't have me in them. I ain't photogenic at all. Im camera shy....but I can post pics of my dog and birds all the livelong day.....dont get me started

Welcome to the new members of our happy little house chicken forum, we don't bite....not hard anyway.

Keep the pics coming everyone, it's nice to see the birds that go along with the stories. I feel like I know all the birds personally sometimes. Speaking of which, I guess I better go feed my crew. Take care everyone, and have a safe and happy New Year,.
An alpaca huh? Those things are nifty! I volunteered at an alpaca ranch a while back, they are funny animals. Too terrifying to own for me though. I seriously considered trying to hatch some Emu eggs a month ago and realised I can't handle anything that's big enough to "get" me LOL Pom is even a little terrifying at the moment! I would LOOOOVE a mini donkey though! The goat rescue in town has one. Boy is he a ladies man! He's such an awesome little dude, and SO dang cute! What do you DO with a donkey? Are they just pets? Or do they have a purpose? I know you can sell the alpaca fleece for serious money, and all my pets either make meat or eggs (and hopefully one day soon give MILK!) I can't justify any 100% "pet" purchase to DH. It's his fault I have the menagerie I do!! All I wanted was a dog... just one little dog when my pet rats from college died... that "unjustified pet expense" became 20+ birds and a pair of meat rabbits in less than 2 years. HAHA
Hi Kuku, just remember, chicken math, my friend, chicken math.....and I think ALL my animals are just pets...I can't count on any of them to reliably lay eggs and too chicken (no pun intended) to cull one of my own for meat, so if things get tough, I'll be inthe yard free ranging with my birds
Hey if you can handle being a vegetarian, go for it! I'm a total carnivore lol My husband will be out there grazing with you though haha
Due to the crazy weather (80 & sunny, 30 with wind/rain the next day) here these 3 are now inside to hopefully recover from the colds they were getting....

They're putting on weight like crazy, sniffles/sneezes drying up and I swear have grown in the last day an a half
Please ignore my gnarly hands...lots of yard work lately!

I thought I'd drop in to report Sparkle is happily clucking to the eggs she is brooding for the NewYear's Day Hatch. It is SO adorable! She took over the dog bed under the TV table for her nest. I have never observed a broody hen so closely for an entire incubation before.

I am AMAZED at the thought of a House Turkey. My MW Tom, "Sarge," would love to be a house turkey; he tries to sneak inside often enough. But a BBW? Oh MY! (I have brooded my turkey poults in the house, but they don't get to stay after 8 weeks)
Due to the crazy weather (80 & sunny, 30 with wind/rain the next day) here these 3 are now inside to hopefully recover from the colds they were getting....:( They're putting on weight like crazy, sniffles/sneezes drying up and I swear have grown in the last day an a half :) Please ignore my gnarly hands...lots of yard work lately!
They are so cute!!! Just be careful, too long in the house and they may just end up staying there. ;) Lol!

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