people with house chickens

What a beautiful bird! I so didn't know that chickens only produced for 3 years. Anyone know their life span? I feel that I am going to be running a senior chicken home. How very cool that you can take her to work. I took my Sophie (canine) with me to work everyday. We are so lucky! I love BYC because it makes me feel that I not the only crazy person in the world.
aww thank you. hahah yeah shes special needs so she stopped laying. I had a hen that was 9 years old I fostered a while and rehomed! they can live a while! muff was heavily picken on. she has little to know eye beak coordination too so it takes her a ew tries to hit a target. her toes are really curled too.
Muffy is one lucky chick! Looks like she is a queen in her own right... Amen to crazy chicken people!!![/IMG
I have a real zoo lol Cowboy my lab is the latest rescue and he has settled in quite nicely. He is a senior citizen and had been at a rescue in macon for quite a while. We drove 200 miles round trip to go get him. So glad we did and my husband was kicking and pouting all the way. He spoils him the worst! He was the same abt the chickens, now he talks to them and cuddles with them too. We are mushy hearted animal people what can we say?!
@kendradillon, Muffy is so cute and pretty! She looks like such a sweetheart. That's awesome that you get to take her to work with you! If you dont mind my asking, what kind of job do you have?


Hi guys! It's been hell. I have almost lost Faith like three times now. Every time I put her outisde with the rest of my flock she is eggbound within 48 hours. No joke. Three times now. i don't know why and i dont know why just her. She did fine outside until the weather got nasty. That was the first time, when she passed the soft membrane egg with no shell. Soon as i put her on the heating pad, she passed it within 20 minutes. After i was sure she was ok and could potty i put her back out with the flock and she was good for about a day. Later that afternoon i saw her standing inj the grass byherself alone and just standing there I picked her up and her vent was red and sort of distended....I put her back in and put her on the hot pad again, same thing. passed it in twenty minutes or so....This last time,she had been outside for two days and happened again. So she has been inside for four days now. I crushed up calcium in yogurt for her. Also as soon as she passes the "egg" she acts herself again, talking,eating etc...But she never lays an egg. Nothing. I just don't get it.. Like I said she has been inside for four days now and hasn't gone eggbound not once,nor has she shown the slightest inclination to lay an egg either. Im completely baffled. I dunno what the heck to do. Im scared to put her outside, but my husband is gonna divorce me if i don't do something with her (not really,but he aint happy about it either) Strange silly bird. HAs anyone ever heard of this before? Other than that my life is finally mellowing back out affter the holidays....Daughter went back to college, yeah I have a college age daughter even though I act like one myself. Weather here is cruddy and I'm about tobring all my birds in for the winter. Boy wouldn't my husband be tickled to pieces aboutthat! Hee hee.I should. I'm going to wind up being like those elderlies that have a million cats, but I will be the crazy chicken lady instead.
But enough about me, how is everyone else?

PhantomChikkkenz - my brother from a different mother LOL! Give Baby Sterllng a great big hug. I completely understand what you were saying about hectic work schedule. Hey it happens. Plus your band stuff too, and holidays. Thank god their over. I hate to sound like the Grinch (my personal hero though) but I really am glad their over. you asked a few days ago when different peoples roosters started to crow.... well my three are Gold Laced Cochins and they started exactly at 8 weeks. Sounded like New Years Horns. I had videos but lost them when my media was erased off my card. Be sure to get and SAVE your mini roos first crow's you'll be greatful for it later....
Chickennmomma and Sunni, Teazle and Bluebelle, Chickenpeep and Ebony, Lovemyturkey and Eggnog & Lurk, and gryeyes and Sarge and to everyone else that comprises our "people with house chickens" family, I wish each and every one of you the very Best New Year possible...

Take Care Everyone
Theresa and Faithy The Cochin

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