people with house chickens

Anyone have and enrichment ideas, we are having lots of rain storms here and Pancake can't spend much time outside or doesn't want to with it raining on her. But she is feeling a bit house bound even though we've been sneaking her out into the main house to run around. (She is suppose to stay in my room 24/7 unless she is being held.)

We have one Silkie recuperating from an illness in our house and she can't wait to be let out of her dog kennel to go outside - she's driving us nuts with her complaining. Until she is well we can't let her out into the rain yet. We have a total of 3 birds that usually stay hiding during a heavy rainfall but as soon as it stops or just sprinkles they go out to the puddles to play and forage. They are all different and make up their own minds whether they want to go out to play in the rain or not. I thought chickens were all the same in their behavior but just like budgerigars, cocktiels, ducks, geese, or parrots, each chicken has its own personality, likes, and dislikes. Good luck with your house-bound chicken - we have one also for the next couple weeks!
Ok so I am really glad I found this.. I have a chicken that we recently rescued (6 chickens in total) She was very hurt and I have been attending to her wounds she has been inside in my laundry room. Well that was 2 weeks ago .. She no longer wants anything to do with the flock.. I have been taking her out to visit her flock mates.. they stay on one side of the fence and she on other she isn't completely healed if they even look at her back in our lap she goes... No one will believe me but she actually walked to the back door and pecked on it..I walked over in amusement and she went in and got in her crate!!! I was so shocked .. I don't know how to reintroduce her to the flock and I will miss her..But she poops a huge dog size turd in the morning that will stink so bad ..and the squirts .. If I could potty train her !!! Her name is Shira

I have no idea why that posted so many times nor do I know how to delete it..sorry


I love the name "Shira" as I once wrote a short story in school using that name. Whenever we have to isolate a hen from the rest of the flock during illness, it is difficult for the isolated hen to reintegrate back into the flock. It sometimes takes a few days of keeping them between a fence to get used to each other again. The isolated hen will keep wanting to come back into the house rather than joining the group. However, it takes perseverence of keeping everyone outdoors until they all accept each other again. After all, hens and most birds are a flock mentality and it's natural to be together. And pecking order establishment is necessary for the flock to function well together. There's always a lead hen, sometimes a 2nd hen, and there's always one at the bottom of flock politics. Sometimes an isolated hen will start at the bottom of the pecking order when she rejoins the group. Sometimes a bottom hen will eventually work her way to the middle of the pecking order and sometimes will take over the lead if she outlives the bossy hens or when newer birds are added to the group. It was nice of you to rescue the 6 hens.
hey peeps! long time no chirp! Muffy is doing great! we now have a second house hen. Lacey. Lacey is blind. she's at home inside during the day in a good sized pen. any ideas on what I can put in their to occupy her? thought of planting a pit of crass and clover. thanks! HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!! from Muffies adventures on FB
hey peeps! long time no chirp! Muffy is doing great! we now have a second house hen. Lacey. Lacey is blind. she's at home inside during the day in a good sized pen. any ideas on what I can put in their to occupy her? thought of planting a pit of crass and clover. thanks! HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!! from Muffies adventures on FB

How sweet to save a blind chicken! Blind animals develop ESP and can get along surprisingly well. Best wishes and the grass/clover idea sounds like a winner. It's quite a challenge to keep a sighted pet busy but even more challenging with a blind one!
Good morning chicken lovers!
This week I needed a baby chicken diaper in a pinch and using what I had on hand at work I inadvertently created a No-Sew chicken diaper!
After some encouragement from DH I'm here to ask all of you house chicken keepers if there would be interest in a pattern for this? Making them is so inexpensive and easy anyone with some fleece and a pair of scissors can do it! It can be made for any chicken of any size or age.
I was thinking of offering it in a package to make it super easy to learn how to make.
1 pre made No-Sew diaper
1 pre cut No-Sew diaper
1 set of pattern pieces for baby to full grown (choice of Batam or Standard)
1 instruction sheet

What do you guys think?

Here's little baby serama Zilla modeling his necessitated invention

We have one Silkie recuperating from an illness in our house and she can't wait to be let out of her dog kennel to go outside - she's driving us nuts with her complaining. Until she is well we can't let her out into the rain yet. We have a total of 3 birds that usually stay hiding during a heavy rainfall but as soon as it stops or just sprinkles they go out to the puddles to play and forage. They are all different and make up their own minds whether they want to go out to play in the rain or not. I thought chickens were all the same in their behavior but just like budgerigars, cocktiels, ducks, geese, or parrots, each chicken has its own personality, likes, and dislikes. Good luck with your house-bound chicken - we have one also for the next couple weeks!

Poor her and you, I have discovered a piece of newspaper goes along way to help her feel less frustrated with the weather. I have been trying to get her out when it stops raining which seems to be helping but she is still cranky but that might be because she is also in molt.

I love my chickens but I just never thought of having them in the house! That's awesome!
But I do have to ask, don't they poop all over?

Oh they do but most can learn to wear a diaper. Pancake keeps most of her poo to her house or on her box and she also is learning to at least not go on me or furniture if avoidable.
I love my chickens but I just never thought of having them in the house! That's awesome!
But I do have to ask, don't they poop all over?

Good morning chicken lovers!
This week I needed a baby chicken diaper in a pinch and using what I had on hand at work I inadvertently created a No-Sew chicken diaper!
After some encouragement from DH I'm here to ask all of you house chicken keepers if there would be interest in a pattern for this? Making them is so inexpensive and easy anyone with some fleece and a pair of scissors can do it! It can be made for any chicken of any size or age.

I was thinking of offering it in a package to make it super easy to learn how to make.
1 pre made No-Sew diaper
1 pre cut No-Sew diaper
1 set of pattern pieces for baby to full grown (choice of Batam or Standard)
1 instruction sheet

What do you guys think?

Here's little baby serama Zilla modeling his necessitated invention

Birds poop about every 20 minutes so, yes, they poop everywhere. That's why I quickly searched on youtube to finally find chickenmom's diaper pattern for her bantams. The design was easy for me to modify in different sizes to use on several different breeds and a couple I stitched by hand without a sewing machine. I pin sandwich baggies inside the pouch lined with a little cocktail napkin to absorb the poop moisture. Then you have to wash the vent feathers every night and blow dry before the birds goes to sleep for the night. The trick is getting the birds to get accustomed to wearing a chicken diaper without walking backwards. My DH would grab the straps at the chicken's shoulders and gently pull the hen forward for a minute or two until she got the idea that she actually could walk forwards in the contraption. kukupecpec's no-sew diaper above looks even easier than the ones I made.

Good morning chicken lovers!
This week I needed a baby chicken diaper in a pinch and using what I had on hand at work I inadvertently created a No-Sew chicken diaper!
After some encouragement from DH I'm here to ask all of you house chicken keepers if there would be interest in a pattern for this? Making them is so inexpensive and easy anyone with some fleece and a pair of scissors can do it! It can be made for any chicken of any size or age.

I was thinking of offering it in a package to make it super easy to learn how to make.
1 pre made No-Sew diaper
1 pre cut No-Sew diaper
1 set of pattern pieces for baby to full grown (choice of Batam or Standard)
1 instruction sheet

What do you guys think?

Here's little baby serama Zilla modeling his necessitated invention

Birds poop about every 20 minutes so, yes, they poop everywhere. That's why I quickly searched on youtube to finally find chickenmom's diaper pattern for her bantams. The design was easy for me to modify in different sizes to use on several different breeds and a couple I stitched by hand without a sewing machine. I pin sandwich baggies inside the pouch lined with a little cocktail napkin to absorb the poop moisture. Then you have to wash the vent feathers every night and blow dry before the birds goes to sleep for the night. The trick is getting the birds to get accustomed to wearing a chicken diaper without walking backwards. My DH would grab the straps at the chicken's shoulders and gently pull the hen forward for a minute or two until she got the idea that she actually could walk forwards in the contraption. kukupecpec's no-sew diaper above looks even easier than the ones I made.
I swear mine poops every 5 minutes! lol

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