people with house chickens

This is the best picture I have for size reference
You have a sad look! Are you getting upset over all this? Please don't! Nothing has been decided! She's still your baby! :)
She's larger than I thought she'd be? Looks like the size Martha Mae was! She's got an ET neck too! :) Long like ET's - The movie ET!

You have a sad look! Are you getting upset over all this? Please don't! Nothing has been decided! She's still your baby! :)
She's larger than I thought she'd be? Looks like the size Martha Mae was! She's got an ET neck too! :) Long like ET's - The movie ET!

no I wasn't upset, I was just taking a ton of pictures because she wa more interested in my earrings and j happened to not be smiling in the one that she looked cutest in
another thing is would you be able to pay shipping? I'm not sure if I would be able to afford it all..
no I wasn't upset, I was just taking a ton of pictures because she wa more interested in my earrings and j happened to not be smiling in the one that she looked cutest in
another thing is would you be able to pay shipping? I'm not sure if I would be able to afford it all..
Oh so that's a frustrated look? :) I was having a few of those yesterday when I was trying to get a few pics of Molly in the yard. She kept turning her butt in my direction or would walk away quickly! ARGH!
Yes I can pay COD! I think I suggested that earlier? Hmmmmm Cash on Delivery! Oh well! It's not a problem. The Post Office is really close to us too! In case they don't allow that to be done? Send me a PM and we'll work it out!

She'll have to be shipped overnight so she'll arrive here early in the morning! There are chickens being mailed all the time from all over the place! I've never mailed any though! Once they arrive here? They live out their natural lives and die here. We have our own chicken graveyard. Martha Mae would have been six years old this May.

How would I get her over there? I would still have to think on quite it a bit because I was really hoping for something temporary.. I love my little Rad Bird
But at the moment I can't give her what your sweet babies get..

USPS ships chickens all the time. I received my last 3 adult/juvenile pullet orders through USPS shipping. From East Coast to West Coast my birds arrived overnight. They ship fine and mine all had treats and apples in the shipping box if they wanted to eat (they usually won't because of the strange experience) but they ship safely in a special ventilated thick carton box. What is a problem is coming up with the $50 to $70 (plus whatever weight the bird is) to ship through the USPS but the birds do fine.
USPS ships chickens all the time. I received my last 3 adult/juvenile pullet orders through USPS shipping. From East Coast to West Coast my birds arrived overnight. They ship fine and mine all had treats and apples in the shipping box if they wanted to eat (they usually won't because of the strange experience) but they ship safely in a special ventilated thick carton box. What is a problem is coming up with the $50 to $70 (plus whatever weight the bird is) to ship through the USPS but the birds do fine.
Yeah I thought I'd read about USPS shipping chickens on the web! The price isn't a biggie! Now we wait to see if she even comes this direction? :) If she does? I'll have me a Valley Girl here in the South! Woot Woot!! We slice apples in half. Then take the corn cob holders and place on four sides. It keeps the apples from flipping over while they peck the middle out of them. Just a thin skin will be left! LOL

Yeah I thought I'd read about USPS shipping chickens on the web! The price isn't a biggie! Now we wait to see if she even comes this direction? :) If she does? I'll have me a Valley Girl here in the South! Woot Woot!! We slice apples in half. Then take the corn cob holders and place on four sides. It keeps the apples from flipping over while they peck the middle out of them. Just a thin skin will be left! LOL


Good idea about the corn cob holders for the smaller fruits. For cantaloupe I slice off the ends of the melon and then slice off a big round piece. The first sliced off end keeps the big slice flat on the ground so there's no rounded end piece rocking on the ground to flip over when the chickens peck at it. We like to keep as much of the melon rind intact to keep it from getting all muddy on the dirt and the chickens love pecking away at the rind all day long. We slice watermelon this way too.
Hen Vs Rooster

I’ve had a very friendly Dominique cockerel in my bedroom for months with no problem.
I tried to bring a friendly Dominique hen in to keep him company. Unbelievable how much they are like people.
She is nosy, has to explore every square inch. Combative, won’t stop attacking the cock. Just squawk, squawk nothing suits her, won’t eat the same feed she had outside. No nest suits her, but when she finally settles in one and I take off the diaper it’s run around and chase the cock and crap anywhere but on newspaper, but no egg laying.
Finally I get fed up and put her back outside again.
So I tried her sister. Here she is dancing on my keyboard deleting my Opera browser.

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Hen Vs Rooster

I’ve had a very friendly Dominique cockerel in my bedroom for months with no problem.
I tried to bring a friendly Dominique hen in to keep him company. Unbelievable how much they are like people.
She is nosy, has to explore every square inch. Combative, won’t stop attacking the cock. Just squawk, squawk nothing suits her, won’t eat the same feed she had outside. No nest suits her, but when she finally settles in one and I take off the diaper it’s run around and chase the cock and crap anywhere but on newspaper, but no egg laying.
Finally I get fed up and put her back outside again.
So I tried her sister. Here she is dancing on my keyboard deleting my Opera browser.

It's not unusual for hens to beat up on cockerels -- my friend had 2 cockerels in a flock of 10 hens and she had to separate the boys out because they were getting picked on too much. It's the older experienced cocks that usually know how to keep hens in line. If your boy is not accustomed to being in the main flock it will take him time to build up confidence around the females.
It's not unusual for hens to beat up on cockerels -- my friend had 2 cockerels in a flock of 10 hens and she had to separate the boys out because they were getting picked on too much. It's the older experienced cocks that usually know how to keep hens in line. If your boy is not accustomed to being in the main flock it will take him time to build up confidence around the females.

We all shared a waffle cone of cherry ice cream then I fell asleep. When I woke up Mini & Ross were cuddled up asleep together. Ice cream the universal love potion!
Mini woke up and moved before I could take the picture.

We all shared a waffle cone of cherry ice cream then I fell asleep. When I woke up Mini & Ross were cuddled up asleep together. Ice cream the universal love potion!
Mini woke up and moved before I could take the picture.

Our chickens love dairy products too but we limit them to just kefir or Greek yogurt. We love watching them eat some "people" food but keep ourselves in check from giving too much "junk." At the moment we're experimenting with some organic Scratch N Feed layer seed mix because they don't consume enough of the organic layer pellets. We've been told our chickens are too spoiled but I say better spoiled then neglected!!! How funny that you have a "Mini" since we have a "Mini" also -- ours is a Silkie named "Minmae" but we call her our Mini-chicken because she's the littlest so the name "Mini" stuck with her. I love your Doms. I had one that we lost young and never got to see her grow out

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